This blog is made to share news on Alzheimer’s Disease in India. To raise awareness among the population in and from India, inform people of the resources they may have in their country and about actions taken by organizations. Also, it aims to support families and caregivers there to cope with this disease; help researchers worldwide and advocates in collecting datas and infos, develop views on the local Public Health Policy toward the affected elderly population in India.
Alzheimer's Disease in India Consultancy Service
Join our Family Caregivers, Volunteers and Care Professionals on Facebook and LinkedIn.
Access NGOs, infos, news updates, support and the following links :
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Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Group intervention for carers of geriatric patients in India.
About Hendi LINGIAH on making Alzheimer's Disease in India Blog.
Before, in a Gerontological Coordination Service promoted by my City’s Municipality. There, assessing the loss of autonomy of the elderly people staying at-home and organizing the care interventions through team work (social workers, occupational therapists, General Practioners, geriatricians, neuropsychologists, nurses...) for a better quality of life in-home.
Earlier, I’ve also been associated in India with a project of residential setting for people suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders (see article on the Blog on My experience in India:
When I came back, I started blogging on Alzheimer's Disease in India at The Blog developed its action in spreading news on Alzheimer's Disease and related disorders in India, raise awareness among the population, bring information and guidance to the persons and families affected by this disease.
I remain connected with India through the Net through ARDSI, Silver Innings Foundation in Mumbai and HelpAge India very active NGOs dedicated to senior citizens welfare and dementia care in India.
This way I am involved in providing consultancy on the Net to direct concerned/interested persons to services there an/or whishing to know more about the situation of dementia care in India.
That's also the reason why we opened a Facebook and a LinkedIn group too, allowing Pro and Familly caregivers to get together and discuss informations and "solutions" possibly implementable in India.
Thanks to our members, we're building a strong caregivers network in/for India, where caregivers share information, their experiences and do support each others. We aim to provide an e-place where people can find informations, support and guidance in a friendly way.
Our goal is then to support the local NGOs in their actions by raising awareness from the Net on Alzheimer's Disease in India for the yet very confidential caregiver's community there.
We wish to contribute/participate also with the local authorities in enabling the society to face this public health issue as India by becoming an ageing country, will face/is facing a growing number of cases of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders.
Indeed, it is important to make the network grows to make it more informative and useful for all persons in India affected by this disease: patients and their caregivers.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Benefits of physical activity for older adults especially suffering from cognitive impairment.
from Active Aging Blog"It is recommended that, if appropriate, older adults should engage in- Cardiovascular disease;
- Osteoarthritis;
- Osteoporosis;
- Hypertension."
- Balance
- Strength
- Coordination and motor control
- Flexibility
- Endurance."
How to Provide Alzheimer's Support From a Distance ?
"10 ideas on caring for someone with dementia -- when you're not the primary caregiver".
By Paula Spencer Scott, senior editor
"Long-distance help for someone with Alzheimer's
Whether you live across the country or across town, if you're not the one primarily responsible for the care of someone with Alzheimer's or some other form of dementia, it's easy to feel helpless or be unsure how to help. Here are some productive ideas."
"Lend a supportive ear, ...
Connect with the patient, ...
Don't leave all the medical know-how to others, ...
Provide help, ...
Be the techie, ...
Stay in the loop, ...
Join a local Alzheimer's group..."
read the full article at the following link :
10 Types of Dementia That Aren't Alzheimer's and How They're Diagnosed.
By Dr. Harvey Gilbert, MD
Experts estimate that Alzheimer's disease is the underlying cause of -- of all dementia cases. However, there are many other conditions which can also cause dementia, which makes it vital for the patient to obtain accurate diagnosing of dementia early on in order to get proper treatment. Following are some of the most common types of dementia and their causes."
1. Vascular Dementia
2. Mixed Dementia8. Huntington's Disease
9. Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome
10. Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)
get all informations on these different types of dementia at the following link :
Monday, June 27, 2011
Carers of people with dementia, Healthtalkonline Website.
Publication date: March 2005 Last updated: October 2010
Review date: October 2012
"Dementia can cause memory loss, confusion and speech problems. We interviewed 31 people about their experiences of caring for a person with dementia. Select from the key topics below, choose from the full list of topics, or explore all the interviews."
Signs of dementia,
Getting the Diagnosis,
Treatment for Alzheimer's disease,
Becoming a carer,
Friends and family,
link at :
Tips from dementia caregivers, watch their stories.
Caring for someone with dementia, from the NHS, UK. (extract)
According to the Alzheimer’s Society, two-thirds of all people with dementia are cared for in the community.
Caring for someone with dementia presents a range of practical issues that can differ from those faced by other carers. People with dementia often feel vulnerable as their condition progresses and they increasingly rely on other people to do things for them. As a carer of someone with dementia, you'll want to do everything you can to reassure and support them while helping them retain some level of independence. Although some symptoms are common to many people with dementia, each person’s experience of the disease will be different."
"Everyday tasks
When a person with dementia finds that their mental abilities are declining, they're likely to feel anxious, stressed and scared. They may be aware of their increasing clumsiness and inability to remember things, and this can be very frustrating and upsetting for them. As a carer, you can help them feel more secure by creating a regular daily routine in a relaxed environment where they're encouraged and not criticised."
Hobbies and interests
Incontinencefull article at :
Alzheimer's Disease in India : An Introductory Video in Malayalam.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
All info regarding Alzheimer's Disease in India : news updates, scientific papers, NGOs...
at :
Friday, June 24, 2011
Interviews with dementia caregivers, volunteers, and experts. India.
On courtesy of Dementia Care Notes website :
Every caregiver has a story . Even persons associated with/ concerned about caregivers have experiences to share. Below, there are links to several interviews of dementia caregivers, volunteers, and experts, to expose us to multiple perspectives and experiences of dementia care and share a range of observations and tips.
- Interviews with dementia caregivers
- A teenage caregiver, a mother with early-onset Alzheimer’s
- A remote caregiver describes family conflicts over patient care in India
- Impact of a father’s Alzheimer’s on a son watching his mother provide care
- A doctor unprepared for her grandmother’s dementia care
- An elderly caregiver looking after husband alone
- A son and his siblings put systems in place to be present for the dementia care
- Caregiver coping with multiple medical problems of fully dependent patient
- Siblings arrange remote care for mother in another city
- A primary caregiver’s husband suggests tips to support dementia caregivers
- A niece realizes her aunt may have dementia; family sets up an appropriate care environment
- A dementia patient accuses his daughter of attempting murder: a daughter describes care challenges
- A family that cared for a dementia patient still sees the patient’s challenging behaviour as meanness, and not caused by dementia
- Interviews with volunteers and experts working in dementia care
- A social worker explains the working of a dementia day care centre
- A volunteer describes how to have activities and outings with dementia patients
- A development consultant shares her perspectives on caregiver role and challenges
- A development consultant describes his work on dementia awareness in Mumbai
In case you want to share your experiences or thoughts on this page, please contact us. Your interview can be published using a pseudonym, if you wish. Our e-mail id is:
source :
The american National Family Caregiver Support Program (NFCSP) - A model for India ?
Families -- not communal service bureaus, nursing dwellings, or government programs - supply the most of long-run care (LTC) for older individuals in the United States. More than 22.4 million casual caregivers supply unpaid assist to older individuals who reside in the community and have diverse limitations.
These caregivers encompass spouses, mature individual young children and other relations and friends. The stage of caregiver engagement has stayed equitably unchanging for more than a ten years, bearing observer to the amazing resilience of the American family in taking care of its own. This is regardless of expanded geographic parting, larger figures of women in the workforce, and other alterations in family life. Thus, family caregiving has been a good thing in numerous respects. It has been a allowance hoarder to authorities faced with the dispute of covering the wellbeing and long-run care costs of individuals who are sick and have chronic disabilities. The financial worth of our nation's family and casual caregivers has been approximated at $257 billion annually.
The enactment of the Older Americans Act Amendments of 2000 established an significant new program called the National Family Caregiver Support Program (NFCSP). The program calls for all states, employed in joint project with locality bureaus on aging and localized community-service providers, to have five rudimentary services for family caregivers. These services include:
* Information to caregivers about accessible services;
* Assistance to caregivers in profiting get access to to services;
* Individual therapy, association of support assemblies, and teaching to aid the caregivers in producing conclusions and explaining difficulties pertaining to their caregiving roles;
* Respite care to endow caregivers to be for the time being reassured from their caregiving responsibilities;
* Supplemental services, on a restricted cornerstone, to support the care supplied by caregivers.
Currently financed at $155,200,000, this program has assisted more than 275,000 caregivers nationwide. Efforts considering NFCSP have produced in new partnerships, advanced get access to to services, outreach to exceptional populations, and the provision of services to reply to the exclusive desires of families.
Eligible Populations
* Family caregivers of older adults
* Grandparents and relation caregivers, age 60 years or older, of young children no older than age 18 (including grandparents who are sole caregivers of grandchildren and those persons who are influenced by mental retardation or who have developmental disabilities)"
Indian portal on Assistive devices for the Elderlys and Alzheimers patients.

Thursday, June 23, 2011
Holy Family Dementia Support Group. Mumbai, India.
Holy Family Dementia Support Group is an extension programme of Silver Innings Dementia Support Group. It is supported by Silver Inning Foundation & ARDSI Greater Mumbai Chapter.
Activity for Support Group:
Counselling, Training of family members, Training of professional care givers, Monthly Meeting, Awareness campaign, Sharing, Lectures, Reference Service etc
All services are free. Only therapy if required will be charged.
The Team:
Dr.Charles Pinto Adviser and Consultant.
This group will be headed by Ms.Raheen Jummani, Clinical Psychologist
Sailesh Mishra coordinator.
Contact: 9987104233/ 9029000091 (Monday to Saturday 10am to 5pm),
Day: Last Saturday of every month
Time: 4.00 pm to 5pm
Holy Family Hospital
MUMBAI 400 050
Area of operation:
At present the group will function for the resident of Santacruz to Mahim Area of Mumbai City.
read more at :
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Silver Inning NGO, India : "Caring for someone with Alzheimer’s? – Don’t forget to care for yourself too!" from Lisa W. Smith.
When we first became responsible for an aunt with Alzheimer’s, our lives drastically changed. It often felt as if our lives were spinning out of control. There was little time for anything or anyone other than Aunt Betty. We finally realized that it would be impossible to continue at the same pace. If we failed to take care of ourselves, we might not be able to continue caring for her. Alzheimer’s can be a long, slow process. It is essential that Alzheimer’s caregivers take care of themselves, too."
source :
Article from the DECCAN Herald : "Meet on Alzheimer’s to begin in city", from June 22 to 24, Mysore, India.
Mysore, June 21, DHNS : | |
"Sarada Vilas College of Pharmacy will host a two-day national conference on ‘Management of Alzheimer’s Disease: Role of Herbal Pharmacotherapy’ from June 22 to 24 at Prof Chinnaswamy Setty conference hall in the college premises here. | |
Hanumanthachar Joshi, principal of the college told a media conference here on Tuesday that eminent neuroscientists, neurosurgeons, researchers, research scholars and students from various institutions from all parts of the country will take part in the conference. Participants Scientists from Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), various universities, research institutions pharmaceutical industries would participate." |
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
Special hospital for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s in Vasai. India, 2011.
First such centre in the State, the two-storey Agarwal Hospital will take care of 250 patients at the cost of Rs 500 per day per patient

Posted On Monday, May 30, 2011 at 03:52:04 AM
"Finally, some respite for families of patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. A 250-bed hospital exclusively for such patients the first of its kind in the State will be inaugurated at Vasai on June 1. The two-storey Agarwal Hospital will cater to the patients as long as their families/relatives desire. ...... |
full article at : |