Alzheimer's Disease in India Consultancy Service

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

The indian Google E-group : "Care Circle for caregivers"

From Shashie Reyna and Swapna Kishore (Family Caregiver, New Delhi/Bangalore). 

There is an Indian Google e-group called Care Circle [for caregivers], which I am part of and which has helped me immensely because other members have/are handling advanced dementia, as well as other disease- / disability-related situations. 

My sense of isolation caused due to staying home with dad, has reduced dramatically. My fears and apprehensions are freely tabled and addressed on the site. My friends on the e-group are just a phone call away, and have sort of become 'family'.

It is an e-group, simply because many of us primary/sole caregivers find it difficult to physically move out of the house, due to the nature of AD/dementia/other caregiving.

All caregivers who want to be part of an online support forum are welcome to email me at and I would be happy to have them join us at Care Circle.

Care Circle is a space for us to vent, share, encourage, laugh, post
queries, and also be helped along by the experiences of other
caregivers. Care Circle has no particular disease focus, nor is it
tied to only the needs of elder-care. Participants may post when they
have a problem they want to share, when they have concerns about
caregivers in general, when they have tips for something, or a success
they are delighted over. Post and respond as your time and energy
permit. Every post adds to the group's base of material that can help
other members. As we grow, so does this valuable base."

"All material posted here is totally confidential and not to be talked about outside, so that caregivers can speak freely. This is a community where caregivers open up and share experiences and exchange tips. It is not a medical or counseling forum, and any advice offered by members here is only an opinion and not a consultation. People should do their own fact finding and consult professionals as suitable, to confirm/ discard any suggestions shared here." 

My best to all of you.

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