Alzheimer's Disease in India Consultancy Service

If you have a project, contact us for advice at

Join our Family Caregivers, Volunteers and Care Professionals on Facebook and LinkedIn.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Photos of Alzheimer's Stall at Elder Mela Mumbai on World Alzheimer’s Day, Sep 2011.

Alzheimer's Stall at Elder Mela at World Alzheimer’s Day Fortnight Programme from 7th Sep 2011 to 27th Sep 2011 was hosted to create awareness about Dementia and Alzheimer’s in city of Mumbai. This programme was organized by ARDSI Greater Mumbai Chapter & Silver Inning Foundation in association with Nirmala Niketan college of Social Work , Arundathi & Kiron Kaikini , SVT college of Home Science (SNDT) , Pushpa Maa Foundation ,Center for Life Long Learning -TISS & Times Foundation/ HELP Library.   
Presence of : Prof Nasreen, Prof.Siva Raju and Mr.D.Chapke. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

"What is dementia?" From Dementia Care Notes.

On Courtesy of Dementia Care Notes website, Swapna Kishore.

"Dementia, simply put, is a group of symptoms associated with a progressive loss of brain functioning. The word “dementia” comes from “de” (without) and “mentia” (mind).
Dementia is a syndrome usually chronic, characterized by a progressive, global deterioration in intellect including memory, learning, orientation, language, comprehension and judgement due to disease of the brain.
Dementia occurs because of diseases that affect the patient’s brain. Because the brain controls every function of our body, dementia patients have problems doing various tasks of daily life.
Patients face memory loss, which increases as their dementia progresses. They find it difficult to balance their bank statements or plan for visitors at home. Sometimes, they forget where they are (which house, which city) or the date and time. They struggle to find the right words to explain what they want. Over time, they become unable to do the normal activities we all take for granted, and even have problems walking, talking, and swallowing food. In the final stage, they become bed-ridden and fade away.
To people around them–their family, friends, colleagues, neighbours–dementia patients look confused and forgetful and start behaving strangely, such as withdrawing or getting aggressive. These symptoms are often assumed to be part of normal ageing; but dementia is not normal ageing.
Patients may show some or most of the following symptoms (the number and intensity of the symptoms increases as dementia progresses):
early dementia patient confused and misplaces watch in fridge
  • Forgetting important things, especially recent things
  • Finding it difficult to plan events or solve problems
  • Normal, daily activities seem more difficult to do
  • Wearing wrong/ inappropriate clothes, or becoming untidy
  • Getting confused about which day, month or year it is, or where the person is
  • Having problems with pictures
  • Having problems with numbers
  • Using wrong words while speaking or writing
  • Putting things at very unsuitable places (like putting a file in the fridge)
  • Starting something, and then being unable to remember what they wanted to do, even after trying a lot
  • Taking strange decisions about investments
  • Withdrawing socially
  • Getting agitated for minor things or for no apparent reason at all
  • Seeming suspicious about people"

Read more at :

Monday, September 26, 2011

BOOK : "VOICE of the ELDERLY in INDIA", 2011, recently relased in India.

"VOICE OF ELDERLY IN INDIA", published by AISCCON edited by Prof. Siva Raju form

TISS and co promoted by Silver Innings Foundation, NOW finally Available. 

This book is must for  All Gerontologist / Geriatricians / People working with

Senior Citizens specially from India/Asia. The book highlights issues of elderly

and provides a glimpses as to the major areas the government and civil society

need to address. It voices elders from Jammu and Kasmir to Kerala and symbolizes the

first effort towards the goal of strengthening the collectivity of Senior Citizens.

Market price will be 500/- to 600/- indian rupee.

You can order from:

Sunday, September 25, 2011

NIMHANS Bangalore is observing World Alzheimer’s Day and World Elder’s Day for a week from 26th September to 1st October 2011.

 NIMHANS Bangalore program details for Sep 27, 2011 to Oct 1, 

(email id:

NIMHANS is observing World Alzheimer’s Day and World Elder’s Day for a week from 26th 

September to 1st October 2011. We solicit your and your organisation’s presence and active

participation during the Public Forum on 27th September 2011 and 1st October 2011.

Looking forward to your support. Coordinated by Geriatric Clinic and Services, 


Thursday, September 22, 2011

The indian Google E-group : "Care Circle for caregivers"

From Shashie Reyna and Swapna Kishore (Family Caregiver, New Delhi/Bangalore). 

There is an Indian Google e-group called Care Circle [for caregivers], which I am part of and which has helped me immensely because other members have/are handling advanced dementia, as well as other disease- / disability-related situations. 

My sense of isolation caused due to staying home with dad, has reduced dramatically. My fears and apprehensions are freely tabled and addressed on the site. My friends on the e-group are just a phone call away, and have sort of become 'family'.

It is an e-group, simply because many of us primary/sole caregivers find it difficult to physically move out of the house, due to the nature of AD/dementia/other caregiving.

All caregivers who want to be part of an online support forum are welcome to email me at and I would be happy to have them join us at Care Circle.

Care Circle is a space for us to vent, share, encourage, laugh, post
queries, and also be helped along by the experiences of other
caregivers. Care Circle has no particular disease focus, nor is it
tied to only the needs of elder-care. Participants may post when they
have a problem they want to share, when they have concerns about
caregivers in general, when they have tips for something, or a success
they are delighted over. Post and respond as your time and energy
permit. Every post adds to the group's base of material that can help
other members. As we grow, so does this valuable base."

"All material posted here is totally confidential and not to be talked about outside, so that caregivers can speak freely. This is a community where caregivers open up and share experiences and exchange tips. It is not a medical or counseling forum, and any advice offered by members here is only an opinion and not a consultation. People should do their own fact finding and consult professionals as suitable, to confirm/ discard any suggestions shared here." 

My best to all of you.

Press Coverage of World Alzheimer's Day 2011 in Pune

Pdfs available on request here by email.

- DNA Pune on 21Sept. 2011 : " Training caregivers for Alzheimer's on the cards", by Bhagyashree Kulthe.

- Pune Mirror City o 21 Sept. 2011 : " Coming soon, a care center for Alzheimer's patients in the city", by Devidash Deshpande. 

- The Time of India, Pune on 21 Sept. 2011 : "City needs clinics to check Alzheimer's, early detection can prevent progress of disease, leading to treatment", by Swati Shinde Golle.   

अल्झायमर पोखरतोय आयुष्याची संध्याकाळ...

अनुपमा गुंडे - सकाळ वृत्तसेवा

Thursday, September 22, 2011, ESAKAL.

link :

- World Alzheimer's Day 2011, INDIA : MiD DAY e-paper :
link :

Some Pictures from Pune, Trivandrum, Mumbai for World Alzheimer's Day 2011, INDIA.

On the occasion of World Alzheimer’s Day on 21st Sep 2011 Fortnight Programme from 7th Sep 2011 to 27th Sep 2011 was hosted to create awareness about Dementia and Alzheimer’s in city of Mumbai. This programme was organized by ARDSI Greater Mumbai Chapter & Silver Inning Foundation in association with Nirmala Niketan college of Social Work, Arundathi & Kiron Kaikini, SVT college of Home Science (SNDT), Pushpa Maa Foundation, Center for Life Long Learning -TISS & Times Foundation/ HELP Library., 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

NDTV report on Alzheimer's Disease in in the indian context : some figures and facts briefly.

"It is a condition that affects many elderly people, but something most families prefer not to acknowledge or talk about. Former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher has it. Former US president Ronald Reagan went public just before his death. Hollywood legend Charlton Heston chose never to acknowledge it. All of them suffered with the condition called dementia, which can affect anyone no matter how clever and famous."

'Alzheimer's patients require love, care, medicines', A testimony (extract of article). By Madhulika Sonkar, Sept. 2011.

'Alzheimer's patients require love, care, medicines' (Sep 21 is World Alzheimer's Day)

"New Delhi, Sep 20 (IANS) 'Pick laundry', 'Pay maid' and notes relating to other daily chores greet you as you enter Padma Narsimhan's room, where she sits in a corner listening to morning ragas in her own voice.

The notes are necessary as 75-year-old Narsimhan, has been suffering from Alzheimer's disease for the last four years.
She struggles to remember even the most basic activities of her daily life. But her daughter ensures she is not subjected to the loneliness the disease brings with it.
'Life was going normal until a family feud began stressing my mother. She was active in working at home but one day she forgot to switch off the cooking gas for hours. We used to give her money and tell her to keep it safe but she would forget where she had kept it,' said Narsimhan's daughter Rangashri Kishore as she recalled her mother's journey.
'After some visits to the doctor, I and my husband realised it was Alzheimer's. We prepared ourselves to be with her in the times when she really needed us,' an emotional Rangashri told IANS.
Though both her daughter and son-in-law work - necessitating the notes - but a maid ensures that Narsimhan is never left alone in the house as she does not even know what is to be done when someone knocks on the door.
But her son-in-law, M.C. Kishore, said that despite the memory disorder, the septuagenarian is clued in to current affairs and is the first one to read the newspapers and narrate the stories of the day to her grandchildren."


Read full article at :

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Note for the first World Alzheimer's Day of the Facebook group Alzheimer's Disease in India. Sept. 2011.

Dear members and Friends,

On this occasion of World Alzheimer’s Day 2011, I take this opportunity to thank all of you for making this forum so informative and open to so many various discussions.

Actually, a few times ago, I thought about making a note celebrating the 1st 100 members anniversary of our group. But, while browsing the Net, administrating the forum, reading all the articles posted and being careful to give each and every one of you an answer, we crossed over the 100 members! Now, that’s also my pleasure to announce you that we’ve crossed more than 22 000 hits on the Blog… and most of them these last months!  

So, let’s welcome together our new members who we hope will find here a place to stop and discuss with us their many issues personally and professionally related to Alzheimer’s Disease.   

To introduce the group to them and remind us here its purposes, I would say that this group aims to build a caregiver’s network for/in India gathering at the same place professional carers and family caregivers. Indeed, it aims to share information and provide guidance and support through knowledge-sharing and also, by feeling free to share our ideas, thoughts and experiences. Thus, it aims to break loneliness in the caregiving experience and encourage people to question the care professionals there because as we know there’s not yet generalized support mechanisms in India.

To briefly introduce the members of this group, most of them are professional from the care system in India. They are all involved directly or indirectly in the geriatric and gerontology field in India and able to answer your questions regarding AD and dementia syndrome care. They are NGOs representatives like Mr Sailesh Mishra from the Silver Innings Foundation and ARDSI Greater Mumbai, Mr Subhankar Biswas from HelpAge India in Calcutta. Also, many medical and paramedical Indian practitioners, students from the Nightingal Medical Trust in Bangalore, some journalists are also supporting us. So far, we have reached only a few family caregivers from which Mrs. Swapna Kishore from Bangalore and trainer in the dementia care field in India. Others also joined us as we started as Mr Sheikh Shazad Usmani from Shivpuri (M.P.) and Mrs Kalpana Malani from Mumbai.  You’ll find the members introductions on the Google Doc section of the FB Page. Some others may also contact me offline as they are not yet feeling ready to disclose their situation publicly (which is understandable), they can still participate from a distance as it is an open group. Later, when we reach more family caregivers we may start a closed group only for them but for now on, we direct them to the very good one Indian Google E-group : The "Care Circle for Caregivers"; a closed group for more confidentiality where people can speak up freely between them.   

Alzheimer's Disease in India is a discussion forum; a place where volunteers from NGOs and professional carers can also learn more about the specific concerns many caregivers face at home especially the situations like bathing, dressing, feeding .… taking care of their ailing relative daily according to their disorders, personality, their likes and dislikes, their environment … . Indeed, watching over these specific situations allows us to keep track on this always progressing/evolving disease. Such numerous informative inputs would then be very important to tell the doctor at your next follow-up visit. Your experience enable all of us to better understand what is currently happening to your relative and why; build accordingly and together, including the AD patient as much as possible, a personalized daily management program/routine fitting him/her. Moreover, the family caregiver’s insights enable us to evaluate their level of distress and their current ability to overcome the difficulties all alone. This FB group then encourages the Caregivers to open-up, to address their many practical issues and discuss the different “ways of doing” worth trying because as you know, “there’s no magic solution”. Effectively, “what’s works for one person may not work with another”. There, the various professional carers may or may not respond, but at least they may be globally exposed to the caregiver priorities which are sometimes quite different from theirs.

To end, this forum also allows us to discuss the implementation of a proper carepath in India for people suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders and proper support mechanisms for their families. As AD is affecting people worldwide forcing then communities to find solutions, I chose to open the forum to people with different practices and cultural backgrounds but all related to the geriatric and gerontology field. This approach aims to make people discuss together on the already existing specialized services, interventions and facilities in Dementia care worldwide especially on the benefits that emerged on the patient condition. These inputs from various horizons, within India or abroad, might be integrated to our thinking process and enable us to voice our concerns on the building of official guidelines and very expected solutions fitting the Indian socio-cultural context. Indeed, today with more than 7% of its population over the age of 65yrs old, India has been defined by the World Health Organization as an Ageing country, telling us that the AD cases would be rising.

In conclusion, I invite everybody on the forum to speak up, bring his/her valuable inputs, feed the group with much AD related topics and make it a very informative and interactive one. Of course, one should keep in mind that all the informations provided there are only general indications, they don’t replace at all a complete medical consultation and the type of follow-up suiting your ailing relative and that has been specified by your own specialist practitioner. All these informations are there to enlighten you and help you to prepare your appointments with the professional carers. Private consultancies with specialists and/or members of this group can be done/arranged through their inbox. These arrangements are under your own responsibility and not of the group.   

Have some good discussions,
Hendi Lingiah,  
Clinical Psychologist in Gerontology.        

List of Doctors for Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders in India.

Details of the doctors have been organised according to different cities they are located.  


Dr. Kartikiya Shrama 
22, Clive Road, Rajapur, Civil Line, Allahabad
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0532 - 2602517
Dr. S P S Chauhan
7/5, A-4, C.Y.Chintamani, Darbhanga Colony, Allahabad
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0532 - 2600832, 2611965

Amritsar :

Psychiatry Deptt.
Vidya Sagar Institute of Mental Health,
Circular Road, Amritsar
Landmark - Near GND Medical College
Phone No. - 0183 - 2500505

Deptt. of Psychiatry,
Gurunanak Dev Medical College & Hospital,
Circular Road, Amritsar
Landmark - Majitha Road
Phone No. -

Dr. Ashok Uppal
Uppal Neuropsychiatry Clinic, Rani Ka Bagh, Amritsar
Landmark - Rani Ka Bagh
Phone No. - 0183 - 2226696

Asansol :

Dr. D P Choudhury
Popular Nursing Home, Rahaland, Asansol - 01
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0341 – 2252119

Dr. Sajjan Singh
Municipal Market, B.N.R., Asansol
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0341 - 2281980

Aurangabad :

Dr. V G Patil
Shanti Nursing Home, Kanchanwadi,
Paithan Road, Aurangabad
Landmark -
Phone No. - 2376271, 2376671

Dr. Arun V Marwale
Shrdha Clinic, Venktesh Hospital,
Near Ira Hotel, 233, Samarth Nagar,
Landmark - State Bank of India, Samarth Nagar
Phone No. - 0240 - 2356705, 9422472725

Bangalore :

Dr. A. Jagdish          
Abhaya Neuropsychiatry & Critical Hospital Pvt. Ltd.
17, Dr. M.H. Mari Gowda Road (Hosur Road), Opp Park Area
Wilson Garden

Dr. Mathew Vargese 
Geriatric Clinic, OPD Block, NIHMANS
Sat- 2pm- 5 pm
080- 26995548

Dr. Srikala Bharat 
Geriatric Clinic, OPD Block, NIHMANS
Sat- 2pm- 5 pm
080- 26995548
Dr. R. Srinivasa
MS Ramhya Medical College

Dr. R. Srinivasa 
Mallya Hospital
4 pm - 7 pm
Dr. Manali Shetty
Parijina Health Care, BTS Depot Road,
Wilson Garden, BANGALORE 560029
Landmark - Next to Mandovi Motors
Phone No. - 22238534, 22243634

Dr. Saranya Devanathan
PRASHNTHAM, 279, 10th Cross, H. Siddaiah Road,
Wilson Garden, Bangalore - 5600027
Landmark -
Phone No. - 22225724, 22237021

Dr. A Jagadish
Abhaya Hospital, 17, Dr. M.H.Mari Gowda Road,
( Hosur Road ), Wilson Garden, Bangalore - 560027
Landmark - Opp 9th Cross Bus stop
Phone No. - 26563865, 26564586, 26566767

Dr. R Srinivasa
M.S.Ramaiah Hospital, MSRIT Post,
New BEL Road, Bangalore - 560054
Landmark -
Phone No. - 22183270
Dr. G R K Sarma
Dept. of Neurology, St. John's Hospital,
Kormangola, Bangalore - 560034
Landmark -
Phone No. - 22065330

Bareilly :

Dr. R K Mahajan ( Neuro )
Room No.3, Keshlata Hospital,
Delapeer Stadium Road,
Bareilly - 243122
Landmark -
Phone No. - 446344, 441646

Dr. Vinay Kr. Agarwal ( Neurologist )
E-3, Tibrinath Complex, Opp. Basant ( lara ) Talkies,
Baba Tibrinath Road, ( Macnair Road ),
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0581 - 2548154, 3099576, 2541977, 9359100525

Chandigarh :

Dr. Ashwin Mohan
Inscol Hospital,
Sector - 34-A (Sco - 18 / 19), Chandigarh
Landmark - Sect - 34-A
Phone No. - 0172 - 5088883, 2667897

Dr. Prabhjeet Singh ( D M - Neuro )
267, Medical Enclave,
Circular Road, Chandigarh
Landmark - Circular Road
Phone No. –

Dr. Puneet Syal
Fortis Hospital Neurolist,
Phase-7, Mohali, Chandigarh
Landmark - Near Mohali Stadium
Phone No. - 0172 - 5061222

Deptt. of Neurology PGIMER, Chandigarh
Neurology Deptt. Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research
Sector - 12, Chandigarh
Landmark - Sector - 12
Phone No. - 0172 - 2756690

Goverment Medical College & Hospital ( Psych. Deptt. )
Psychiatric Deptt., GMCH,
Sec - 32, Chandigarh
Landmark - Sector - 32-B
Phone No. - 0172 - 2665253 Ext. - 2402

Deptt. of Psychiatry PGIMER, Chandigarh
Psychiatry Deptt. Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research
Sector - 12, Chandigarh
Landmark - Sector - 12
Phone No. - 0172 - 2756811

Dr. Hardeep Singh
Neuropsychiatry & Drug Deaddiction cum Rehabilation Centre
Sec - 23-B, Chandigarh
Landmark - Opp. Cricket Stadium
Phone No. - 0172 - 2724111

Dr. J P Singhvi
Inscol Hospital, Sector - 34-A, Chandigarh
Landmark - Sector - 34 Market
Phone No. - 0172 - 5088883, 2667897

Chennai :

Dr. R. Sathianathan 
D-89, Anna Nagar East
Chennai- 101 Tamilnadu

Cochin :

Dr. Mathew Abraham 
Abraham Memory Clinic , Indira co-op Hospital
Cochin kerela
0480-2204110, 9846056001

Faizabad :

Dr. Madhukar Psychiatrist
Raj Krishna Chikitsa Kendra,
Acharya Nagar Bye Pass,
Faizabad - 224001
Landmark -
Phone No. - 05278 - 245572, 9415047901

Dr. K R Verma ( Neuro )
Faizabad, Cantt Road,
Niyawan Crossing,
Faizabad - 221004
Landmark -
Phone No. - 9415140316

Gorakhpur :

Dr. C B Madeshia (M.D.) Psychiatry
Hanuman Mandir Road, Batiyahata, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh
Email -
Phone No. - 2339822

Dr. Ravikant Mall
Achintiya Neuro Centre, 33, Kasiya Road,
Batiyahata Crossing, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh
Landmark -
Phone No. - 2331948

Hyderabad :

Consultant Psychiatrist
#298,road no 14,Banjara Hills
Phone No. - 040-55752222, Res No. - 040-27172376
Cell No. - 98480-52374
E-Mail -

Consultant Psychiatrist
#298,Road no 14, Banjara Hills
Phone No. - 040-55752222, Res No. - 040-56885596
Cell No. - 98493-89565,
E-Mail -

Dr.Srikanth Jawalkar
Consultant Neurologist
6-2-1,View Towers,Lakadi-ka-pul,
Phone No. - 040-23393510
Cell No. - 94408-97043
E-Mail -

Dr.Ashok Reddy
Consultant Psychiatrist
Shop No:12,Ram's Enclave
Opp:Alwyn Bhavan,Erragadda, Hyderabad
Time - 6:00pm to 9:00 pm
Phone No. - 040-23813143,Res No. - 040-23814308
Cell No. - 9391041531
E-Mail - :

Consultant Psychiatrist
#298,Road No:14,Banjara Hills
Phone No. - 040-55752222, Res No. - 040-27425465
Cell No. - 984802286

Consultant Neurologist
Matoshri Neurosciences Centre
G-14,Agarwal Chambers,Ground Floor,
King Koti cross road,Abids
Hyderabad - 500001
Phone No. - 040-55781291.
E-Mail -

Consultant Neurologist
Mool Chand Neuro Sciences Centre,
MIG-259,S.R.Enclave,Road no:4,
Remedy Hospital lane KPHB Colony, Kukatpally,
Hyderabad - 500072
Phone No. - 040-23052107
Cell No. - 98490-59441
E-Mail -

Consultant Psychiatrist
Disha Psychiatric Care
11-5-432/3.Adjacent to Pearl Regency,
Hyderabad - 500004
Phone No. - 040-23316482
E-Mail -

Dr.A.Shekar Reddy
Consultant Psychiatrist
The Retreat Hospital,
Opp:Andhra Bank,
Himayat nagar,
Cell No. - :98480-51452 . 

E-Mail -

Indore :

Dr. V V Nadkarni
1, Kanchan Bagh, Indore - 452001
Landmark - Near Noble Hospital
Phone No. - 2517972

Dr. Dhanraj Panjwani
207, Sappire House, Sapna Sangeeta Road,
Next to Lotus, Indore ( MP )
Landmark - 4 plots - next to LOTUS (Opp. Row of Sapna Sangeeta)
Phone No. - 0731 - 5094945, 09302102032

Dr. O P Lekhra (Neurologist) 
Room No. 3, Bombay Hospital, Indore
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0731 - 5077000 Ext. - 2103

Dr. Sunil Athale
Shiv Vilas Palace, Opp. Subhash Chowk,
Car Park, Indore - 452007
Landmark - Rajwada
Phone No. - 9300406099

Dr. Jitendra Singh
G / 12-A, Choithram Hospital Campus,
Choithram Hospital, Indore
Landmark -
Phone No. - 9826069413

Dr. Deepak Jain
7/1, New Palasia, Patnamani Complex, Indore ( MP )
Landmark - Near Curewel Hospital
Phone No. - 2436851, 9425081380

Dr. J S Kathpal
21, Dhenu Market, G.S.T.I. Road, Indore
Landmark -
Phone No. - 2536363

Dr. Abhay Bhagvat
CHL Apollo Hospital, First Floor, Neurology Dept.
LIG Square, Indore
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0731 - 5072550 Ext. - 191

Dr. Pravar Passi
305, Vikram Towers,
Sapna Sangeeta Road, Indore - 452017
Landmark -
Phone No. - 91-731-2400170

Dr. Ashish Bagdi
Bombay Hospital, Indore Ring Road,
Indore - 452010 ( MP )
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0731 - 5077000 Ext. - 2119, 09826604455

Dr. Vijay Bodhle
219, 220, Manas Bhavan,
11, RNT Marg, Indore
Landmark - Near Hotel Shreemaya
Phone No. - 2513263, 2528094

Dr. Deepak Mahsharamani
6-A/3, New Palasia, Indore ( MP ), INDIA
Landmark - Near Recovery Hospital
Phone No. - 0731 - 2536677 ( 2 pm - 7 pm on weekdays)

Jammu :

Neurology Deptt. Goverment Medical College
Goverment Medical College, Bakshi Nagar, Jammu
Landmark - Bakshi Nagar
Phone No. - 0191 - 2547215

Dr. Sushil Razdaan
7, Bhagwati Nagar, Canal Road, Jammu
Landmark - Bhagwati Nagar
Phone No. -

Kanpur :

Dr. Navneet Kr ( Neuro ) 
A - L Medicare, 7 / 2, 10 - G,
Swaroop Nagar, Kanpur - 208002
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0512 - 2531899, 2531120

Dr. Atul Mohan Sharma ( Neuro )
9 / 63, Arya Nagar,
Neuro Clinic, Arya Nagar,
Kanpur - 208002
Landmark -
Phone No. - 9839106234

Dr. Sanjay Mahendru
Mahendru Clinic, Sumiran,
3 / 91, Vishnupuri,
Kanpur - 208005
Landmark - Regency Hospital
Phone No. - 9839032699

Dr. Mahendra Singh ( Psy )
38, Vasant Nagar,
Hamirpur Road, Naubasla,
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0512 - 2621308, 9415475360

Dr. Ravi Kumar
LG 44, Somdutt Plaza
The Mall, Kanpur
Landmark -
Phone No. - 9839104901, 9415330358

Kerala :

Dr. E Mohan Das Consultant, Psychiatrist
Thushara Muruga Nagar,
Poon Kunnam, Trichur - 680002
Landmark -
Phone No. - 04872386355

Dr. George Kovoor
Kovoor Institute of Neuro Sciences,
Opp. to Head Post Office,
Landmark - Saktham Stand
Phone No. - 04872425267

Dr. Ramanan Earat, Consultant Psychiatrist
"Karthika", Dr. Ragahavan's Colony,
West Yakkara Road, Palakkad - 678014
Landmark - Hotel Rajadhani ( Near LIC )
Phone No. - 0491 - 2533746

Dr. Dinesh Kumar M. K., Consultant Psychiatrist
Agra, 73, Koor Ken Chery, Trissur - 680007
Landmark - Koor Kenchery
Phone No. - 9388539050

Dr. Thomas Iype, Consultant Neurologist
Sree Kovil, Retreat Road,
Near Indoor Stadium, Trissur - 680020, Kerala
Landmark - Retreat Road
Phone No. - 04872337939

Dr. Thomas K P
'Jeevan' , P.O. Arimpur,
Nova Medicals, Vadanappilly
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0487 - 2605276

Dr. V T Haridas
Neuropsychian, Medha Neuro Clinic,
Karanath Comlex, Patturaikkal, Thrissur, Kerala
Landmark - Sudharma Lab
Phone No. - 9447133392

Dr. B Raghunath Neurologist
TC / 1615, S.N. College Road,
Koor Ken Chery, Trissur - 680007
Landmark - Koor Kenchery
Phone No. - 04872445450

Dr. K S Shaji
Near Out Post, Kanjani Road,
Thrissur - 680003
Landmark - Out Post Bus Stop
Phone No. - 0487 - 2361755

Dr. Madhavan P M Consultant Psychiatrist
Kedaram, Sunder Iyer Road,
Ottapalam, Palakkad, Kerala - 679101
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0466 - 2244140

Dr. M A Andrews
Mekkattakunnel, Chakkoth Lane,
Poonkannam, Trichur
Landmark - Omega Marbles, Poonkunnam
Phone No. - 04872382739

Dr. Shaji Abraham Neurologist
2 / 476, Sawhnaa Lane,
Patturakkal, Thrissur - 22
Landmark - Devamathu church
Phone No. - 2333675

Dr. Denny Anto Consultant Neurologist
39 / 538, Robinson Road,
Palakkad, Kerala
Landmark - Amritha Hospital
Phone No. - 2537111

Dr. Sailaja Ramkunnar
West Fort Hi-tech Hospital, Trichur - 680002
Landmark - West Fort Hi-tech Hospital
Phone No. - 9447132810

Dr. A G Viswanatham Psychiatrist
29 / 534, Shornur Road,
Thrissur - 680001
Landmark - Round North
Phone No. - 2335188 ( 7.30 am to 9.00 am )

Dr. M K Mani
G1 - Ganga Apartment, Poothele,
Trissur - 680004
Landmark -
Phone No. -

Dr. Sivathanu Pillai Consultant Psychiatrist
Sarovar, Vennakara,
Nurani, Palakkad - 678004
Landmark - Vannakara Mariamman Koil
Phone No. - 0491 - 2533873

Dr. Pnemadasm C D
Sree Robinson Road, Palakkad
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0491 - 2531342

Dr. Aravindakshan P C Consultant Psychiatrist
Gut Mental Health Centre, Thrissur
Landmark - West Fort Thrissur
Phone No. - 9847769726

Dr. Fiju Charko Consultant Neurologist
Pipe Line Road, Mylipadam
Landmark - Pipeline Road, Thrissur - 20, Kerala
Phone No. - 0487 - 2333271

Dr. P H Abdulmajeed Neurologist
Neuro Clinic, Veliyanuur, Thrissur - 21
Landmark - Veliyanuur Temple
Phone No. - 2428084

Dr. P C Gilvaz Consultant Neurologist
IX / 333 A, Cosmo Garden,
Koor Kken Cherry, Thrissur - 680007
Landmark - Balya Hospital
Phone No. - 2427947

Dr. K K Praveen
Out Post, Kanjani Road,
Ayyanthole, Trissur - 680003
Landmark - Ayyanthole
Phone No. - 0487 - 2361855

Dr. Thomas John Consultant Neurologist
Amala Cancer Centre,
Amala Nagar, Trissur - 680255
Landmark - Amala Nagar
Phone No. - 0487 - 2307951

Dr. N P Fizer
Rajah Charitable Trust, Muthuvattor,
Chavakkad, Trichur - 680506
Landmark -
Phone No. - 09447663718

Dr. Ashraf V V
Dept. of Neurology, MIMS Hospital,
Calicut - 673016, Kerala
Landmark -
Phone No. - 09349112900

Dr. A S Girija
MIMS, Govindapuram, Calicut
Landmark - BMH
Phone No. - 0495 - 2727541

Dr. Ram Manohar
PVS Hospital, Calicut - 673002
Landmark - Railway Station
Phone No. - 0495 - 2301212

Dr. T M Raghuram
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0483 - 2769634

Dr. Pradeep Kumar V G
Baby Memorial Hospital
Landmark - Tanishque Jewelley
Phone No. - 2723272

Dr. V V Mohanachandran
'Sree Valsam', Bilathikulam Road,
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0495 - 2765422

Dr. Minoo othen Cherian
PVS Hospital, Calicut - 2
Landmark - Near Railway Station Kozhikode
Phone No. - 0495 - 2705045, off - 114
Email -

Dr. Mohd. Hassan
MIMS, Calicut - 16
Landmark -
Phone No. – 2744000

Dr. Jacob P Alapatt
M.S., DNB.; M.Ch., DNB., (Neuro), FRCS
Consultant Neurologist & Neuro Surgeon
Professor & Head of Neuro Surgery Medical College,
Calicut, Kerala
Landmark -
Phone No. - 2354353

Dr. A M Gopalakrishnan
Krishna Hospital & Nursing Home,
Nadakavu Cross Road
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0495 - 2366644

Dr. Sivakumar S 
M.S: M.Ch (Neurosurgery)
Asst. Professor of Neurosurgery
Medical College, Calicut - 673002
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0495 - 2359689, 09447333939

Dr. P Abdurahiman
Resmi Square, Govindapuram
Landmark - MIMS
Phone No. - 9895568090
Email -

Dr. C Madhava Das 
Consultant Psychiatrist
'Swathi', H.No. 2/2033 A,
P.O. Civil Station, Calicut - 20
Landmark -
Phone No. -

Dr. O V Vasudevan
19/1116, 'Suvitham',
P.V. Sami Road, Chalapuram
Kozhikode - 673004
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0495 - 3123613

Dr. Sabu Rahiman
Viveka Hospital, YMCA Cross Road,
Kozhikode - 673001
Landmark - YMCA
Phone No. - 2767429

Dr. P N Suresh Kumar 
Director, Institute of Mental Health & Neuro Sciences
Kozhikode - 673016
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0495 - 2372684

Dr. Srikumar G
Centre for Epilepsy & Neurology
Landmark - English Church
Phone No. - 0495 - 2901393

Kolhapur :

Dr. P M Chougule M.D. (Psych) D.P.M.
Swastik Hospital, Basant Bahar Talkies Road,
Landmark - Near Mahavir Garden, Behind Nashte Estate
Phone No. - 0231 - 2658835

Dr. L M Nagarkar MD, DPM, FIPS
Shanti Clinic, Opp Shaniwar Peth Post Office,
Kolhapur - 416002
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0231 - 2548867, 9822035984

Dr. Gurudas R Harshe 
"Shree", Plot No. 43,
Unit No. 2, Ambai Defence Colony,
Sag Armal, Kolhapur - 416008
Landmark -
Phone No. – 9422043285

Kolkata :

Dr. Kedar Ranjan Banerjee 
NIBS , 115E Lelin Sarani, 2nd floor, Moulali
Kolkata 700013
22469662, 22166026

Dr. Akhilesh Pal 
13, S.H Mukherjee Road, Bhairabitala, Behala
Kolkata 700034 ,WEST BENGAL
24570315, 9830055427

Dr. N.N. Sarangi CMRI Dimond Harbour Road

Prof. Subhash Chandra Mukherjee
2-B, Surja Kumar Chatterjee Street, Kolkata - 700025
Landmark - Mitra School on Harish Mukherjee Road
Phone No. - 033 - 24554079, 9830413617

Dr. Amitabha Mukherji
Mind Care, P-256, Block-B,
Lake Town, Kolkata - 700089
Landmark - Atithya Restaturant
Phone No. - 9830049840, 30922599

Dr. Dipes K Mandal
FE - 1A / 7, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700106
Landmark - Near Karanomoyee Estate, Adjacent to
Salt Lake Municipal School (FE Block)
Phone No. - 033 - 23598230
Email -,

Dr. Aniruddha Deb
Crystal Clinic, 26 Mahanirban Road, Kolkata - 29
Landmark -
Phone No. - 24633505

Dr. Malati GhoshNRS Medical College, Kolkata - 14
Landmark -
Phone No. - 9830453362

Dr. Rima Mukherjee
Crystal Clinic, 26 Mahanirban Road, Kolkata - 29
Landmark -
Phone No. - 2463 3505

Dr. Anupam Das Gupta 
30 A, Aswini Data Road, Kolkata - 700029
Landmark -
Phone No. - 24642728

Dr. N Tikadar
NRS MCH (Neurology), NRS Medical College
Hospital, Kolkata - 14
Landmark -
Phone No. - 9830092340

Dr. Shymal Chakraborty
1) 406, Jodhpur Park, Kolkata - 68 (Thursday - 6.30 - 8.30 pm)
2) Medicine Corner, 62/8, Surya Sen Street (Saturday - 4.00 - 5.30 pm)
Landmark -
Phone No. - 23501799

Dr. Kanika Mitra
Golpark Medical Centre, 57 / 1A,
Purna Das Road, Kolkata - 29
Landmark -
Phone No. - 9830060276

Dr. Debashish Choudhury 
National Neurosciences Centre, 360, Panchsagar,
2nd Floor, Peerless Hospital Campus, Kolkata - 94
Landmark -
Phone No. - 033 - 24320777

Dr. Tapas Kumar Banerjee 
National Neurosciences Centre, 360, Panchasagar,
2nd Floor, Peerless Hospital Campus, Kolkata - 94
Landmark -
Phone No. - 033 - 24320777

Dr. Arabinda Mukherjee
40-A, Lake Temple Road, Kolkata - 29
Landmark -
Phone No. - 033 - 24661102

Dr. Parthasarathi Nandi 
P-535, Raja Basanta Roy Road, Kolkata - 700029
Landmark - Near Lake Kalibari, Opp Lake View Nursing Home
Phone No. - 24632204, 9831106270

Dr. K L Narayanan
24-A, Iswar Ganguly Street, Kolkata - 700026
Landmark - Near Tapan Theatre
Phone No. - 24665119

Dr. Sitansu Sekhar Nandi 
162 / 154-A, Lake Gardens, Kolkata - 45
Landmark -
Phone No. - 24228472

Dr. Kalyan Kr Appollo, 48 / 1-F, Leela Roy Sarani (Gariahat), Kolkata - 19
Landmark -
Phone No. - 033 - 24618028

Dr. T K BanerjeeClinic M, Opposite NRS Medical Colege, Kolkata - 14
Landmark -
Phone No. - 22460412, 22464749

Dr. Arnab Banarjee
7-E, Cornfield Road, Kolkata - 700019
Landmark - Junior South Point School
Phone No. - 9830038911, 24409522 (9-11 am except Friday & Sunday)

Dr. Asit Baran Ghosh 
17-A, Kabi Nabin Sen Lane (Gomesh Lane), Kolkata - 14
Landmark - NRS Hospital
Phone No. - 22462386

Dr. Prabir Paul1) 51-A, S P Mukherjee Road, Kolkata - 26
2) Divine Poly Clinic, 2C, North Road, Kolkata - 32
Landmark -
1) Jatin Das Park Metro Station
2) Jafarpur Telephone Exchange
Phone No. - 24754788, 24724070

Dr. Debashish Ray 
1, Apollo Clinic, 39 Shakespeare Sarani
Landmark - Apollo Clinc : Kala Mandir,
Apollo Gleneagles Clinic : Gariahat Pantaloons
Phone No. - 24169192 / 2416, 22837407 / 7408 / 7409 / 9294,
24618079 / 8451 / 8028 / 9483

Dr. Srikumar Mukherjee
Sindh Poly Clinic, 53-A, Free School Street, Kolkata - 16 (Wed & Fri - 6 - 8 pm)
Landmark - NIP Hotel
Phone No. - 22283325

Dr. Somnath BasuMon Nursing Home, V.I.P. Road Kaikhali
Landmark - Haldiram Factory
Phone No. - 25006886, 9830308592

Dr. Swapan Mukitopadhnan
8, S.P.Mukherjee Road, Bhowanipore, Kolkata - 25
Landmark - Purna Cinema
Phone No. - 24554913, 9831037716

Dr. Saibal Ray Chaudhury 
57, Pataldanga Street, Kolkata - 09
Landmark - Amherst Street Post Office
Phone No. - 24421477, 23607714, 23502207

Dr. Gautam Saha
19/C, Pioneer Park, P.O.Barasat Dist.,
24, Parganas, Kolkata - 124
Landmark - Colony More
Phone No. - 033 - 25426836, 09830055235

Dr. Ambar Chakroboty
59 Beadon Street, Kolkata - 6
Landmark - Beadon Street, State Bank
Phone No. - 033 - 25546271

Dr. Satyabrata Kar (M.B.B.S,D.P.M.,M.D.)
Res - Add-166/8, Roy Bahadur Road, Kolkata-700034.
Institution Add - Vill,Kalua, P.O.-Joka, Kolkata-700104.
Phone. No. - 033- 3097 3496, 033- 24380160, 09831072916,

Dr. D.G.Mukherjee (M.B.B.S.,D.P.M.,M.D)
Res - CS-1/8 Golf Green, Kolkata-700095
Phone. No. - 033-24136156. 033-24737830,  9831244450

Lucknow :

Dr. S C Tiwari, Prof. in Neuropsychiatry
Department of Geriatric Mental Health Cave,
KGMU, Lucknow
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0522 - 2268857

Dr. P K Chaturvedi (Psy)
10, Gaya Prasad Dharam Shala, N.L.D Road,
Charbag, Lucknow - 226004
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0522 - 2637352, 9839131434

Dr. Sunil Pradhan
Department of Neurology, S.G.P.G.I.,
Raebareilly Road, Lucknow
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0522 - 2668700 / 800 / 900

Dr. Atul AgarwalNeurology Department,
KGMU, Lucknow - 226003
Landmark -
Phone No. - 9415175001

Dr. Rakesh Shukla
Deptt. of Neurology,
KGMU, Lucknow - 226003
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0522 - 2624648

Dr. H Naidu, Psychiatrist
Nur Manzil Psychiatric Centre,
Lalbagh, Lucknow
Landmark - Novelty Cinema
Phone No. - 2623967, 2282491

Dr. Shabari Dutta (Psy)
Nur Manzil Psychiatric Centre,
B.N. Road, Lalbagh, Lucknow
Landmark - In front of Lalbagh Girls College, Lucknow
Phone No. - 2623967, 9415049462

Dr. S M Verma (Neuropsychiatrist)
31, Super Market,
Sultanpur, Lucknow
Landmark -
Phone No. - 05362 - 224329, 222114, 9415046469

Dr. A.M. Kar 
Consultant Neurologist C8/R River Bank Colony
Lucknow 226018
0522- 2617971, 0522- 2628666

Ludhiana :

Deptt. of Psyschiatry, CMCH, Ludhiana
CMC Hospital, Ludhiana
Landmark - 
Phone No. - 0161 - 2463171 / 81

Dr. R S BhatiaS atguru Pratap Singh Apollo Hospital,
Sherpur Chowk, Ludhiana
Landmark - Sherpur Chowk
Phone No. - 0161 - 5037777

Dr. A K Dhanuka
1135 / 8-B, Tagore Nagar,
Near New DMCH Hospital, Ludhiana - 141001
Landmark - 
Phone No. - 0161 - 2302365, 2300765

Deptt. of Neuroogy CMCH, Ludhiana
CMC Hospital, Ludhiana
Landmark - 
Phone No. - 0161 - 2463171 / 81
Deptt of Psychiatry, DMCH, Ludhiana
Dayanand Medical College & Hospital,

Tagore Nagar, Ludhiana
Landmark - Tagore Nagar
Phone No. - 0161 - 2304242 Ext. - 152

Dr. R S Bhatia
Apollo Hospital, Sherpur Chowk, Ludhiana
Landmark - Sherpur Chowk
Phone No. - 0161 - 5037777, 5024444

Dr. O P Arora
Arora Neuropsychiatry Hospital, 120 - The Mall, Ludhiana
Landmark - Mall Road, Fountain Chowk
Phone No. -

Mangalore :

Dr. Ravish Thunga
Light House Poly Clinic, Light House Hill Road,
Bavutagudda, Mangalore - 575001
Landmark - Near City Central Library
Phone No. - 0824 - 2444372, 2443973

Dr. P K Kiran Kumar 
Hill Side Medical Centre, Near Mahendra Arcade,
Karangalpady, Mangalore - 575003
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0824 - 5552134, 9845308734

Dr. A Divakar Rao 
1st Floor, Mahendra Arcade,
K. R. Rao Road, Karangolpady,
Mangalore - 575003
Landmark - 
Phone No. - 0824 - 2496166

Dr. I G Bhat
Balmatta Complex, Bridge Road,
Balmatta, Mangalore - 575001
Landmark - 
Phone No. - 0824 - 2444666, 9845098797, 2215666

Manipal :

Dr. K Haridas
Dept. of Psychiatry, Kasturba Hospital,
Landmark - 
Phone No. - 0820 - 2522217

Miraj :

Dr. Nathaniel Sase 
Warless Hospital,
Landmark - Gandhi Chowk
Phone No. - 2212287

Mumbai :

Dr. Sanjay R Kumavad M.D. D.P.M.Indra Nursing Home, Opp. Dena Bank,
M.G.Road, Mulund (W), Mumbai - 80
Landmark - Near Mulund Station
Phone No. - 25688585, 25689414

Dr Ganesh N Kini M.D.(Med) D.M. Neurology
Vimala Neurology Center & EEG Clinic,
G-3, Urmila Complex, Opp. Hotel Malhaar,
19-Road, Station Avenue Road, Chembur
Landmark - ICICI Bank
Phone No. – 25282450

Dr. Pawan Ojha
Brain Centre, C 2/6:0:3, Sector -2,
Vashi, Navi Mumbai
Landmark - Abbott Hotel
Phone No. - 9820523745, clinic - 27820818

Dr. Nilesh shah
Department of Psychiatry,
L.T.M. Medical College & General Hospital
Sion, Mumbai
Landmark - Sion Hospital
Phone No. - 24011984

Dr. Anand Nadkarni
Apte Hospital, Ram Maruti Road,
1st Cross Lane, Naupada,
Thane (W), Maharashtra
Landmark - Nr. Maruti Mandir
Phone No. - 25433270, 25366577

Dr. Sachin Patkar (Consulting Psychiatrist)
Dadar Polyclinic, 3 Pritam Estate,
Opp. Broadway Shopping Centre, Ambedkar Road,
Dadar, Mumbai - 41
Landmark - Dadar T.T.
Phone No. - 24143651, 24145909

Dr. A P Patkar (Consulting Psychiatrist)
Dadar Polyclinic, 3 Pritam Estate,
Opp. Broadway Shopping Centre, Ambedkar Road,
Dadar, Mumbai - 41
Landmark - Near Dadar T.T.
Phone No. - 24143651, 24145909

Dr. Y A Matcheswalla
Masina Hospital, sant Savata Marg,
Byculla, Mumbai - 400027
Landmark - Near Church
Phone No. - 23747767, 23753002, 23714889

Dr. Rakesh Ghildujal
43, Shanti Centre, Plot 8,
Sector 17, Vashi - 400703
Landmark - Bombay Mercantile Coop Bank, Sector 17
Phone No. - 55913958

Dr. Milind Joshi
G-1/3, Sunshine Clinic,
Shefalee Society, Phirozshah Road,
Santacruz (W), Mumbai - 400054
Landmark -
Phone No. - 26122925

Dr. Nadir Bharmha
Bombay Hospital, New Marine Lines,
C-102, New Wing, 12 Marine Lines
Landmark -
Phone No. - 22067676 Ext. 345, 22032102 (Direct)

Dr. Anjali Chhabria
11, Golden Beach,
Ruia Park, Juhu, Mumbai - 400049
Landmark - Hare Ram Hare Krishna Mandir - ISKCON Temple
Phone No. - 26288928

Dr. Suvarna S Karande 
Nair Hospital, Memory Clinic, Bombay Central
Landmark - Nair Hospital, Bombay Central
Phone No. - 920689663, 56846166

Dr. R R Patel
Bhatia Hospital, Tardeo Road, Mumbai
Landmark -
Phone No. - 26424307, 56660045

Dr. Rajendra BarveParivartan - The Turning Point,
B-2, Ground floor, Indrayani Complex,
J. K. Sawant Road, Near Ruby Mills Compound,
Dadar (west), Mumbai - 28
Email -
Landmark - Near Ruby Mills, Dadar
Phone No. - 24382525

Dr. Joy D Desai
213, 2nd Floor, Jaslok Hospital & Research Hospital,
15 Dr. G. Deshmukh Marg, Mumbai - 26
Landmark -
Phone No. - 56573200, 9820009850

Dr. Nitin Sampat
1) Matru Mandir, Ground Floor, No. 4, Tardeo
2) Kanhaiya Bldg., Bandra Linking Rd
3) Madhav Med Centre, S V Road, Andheri
Landmark -
1) Opp Bhatia Hospital
2) Opp Amarsons
3) Above Paaneri saree Shop
Phone No. - 1) 23885469, 2) 26423236, 3) 26283478

Dr. Paresh Lakdawala / Dr. Karan P Lakdawala
31, Kala Bhavan, 5th Floor,
3, Mathew Road, Opera House, Mumbai - 400004
Landmark - Opera House Theatre, Charni Road Station
Phone No. - 23696608, 23698082

Dr. Fali Poncha
16, R N Gamadia Polyclinic,
Gamadia Colony Road, Tardeo, Mumbai - 7
Landmark - Between Ganga Jamuna Theatre & Bhatia Hospital
Phone No. - 24924068, 9820711140

Dr. Nirmal Surya
1) Surya Nemo Centre, 310, Lotus House,
33-A, New Marine Lines, Next to Liberty Cinema, Mumbai - 400020
2) Purohit Medical Centre, A-1 Mangal Kunj,
Opp Indraprashta Shopping Centre, S V Road,
Borivali (W), Mon / Wed / Fri
Landmark -
Phone No. -
1) 22001180, 22001181
2) 28985370, 20541412

Dr. Arun B Shah
Chowpatty Medical Centre, 3, Baig Mansion,
Babulnath Road, Near Soda Hospital, Mumbai - 400007
Landmark - Babulnath Temple
Phone No. - 23620826, 23682264, 23617112

Dr. Mohit Bhatt604, Om Chambers,
August Kranti Marg, Kemps Corner, Mumbai - 400036
Landmark -
Phone No. - 56640302

Dr. Ashit Sheth1) 105, Maker Bhavan No. 3, New Marine Lines, Mumbai - 400020
2) 701, Leela Apt., S V Road, Opp. Golden Tob,
Vile Parle (W), Mumbai - 56
Landmark -
Phone No. -
1) 22064545, 22065555
2) 26711414, 26710606

Dr. P R NayakR K Hospital, 6th Road, Santacruz (E), Mumbai - 55
Landmark - Railway station
Phone No. - 9869011563

Dr. Ashok M Sirsat
Neurology Clinic, 26 Dattani Chambers,
S V Road, Malad (W), Mumbai - 400064
Landmark - Opposite Shantinath Shopping Centre
Phone No. - 28897916

Dr. Mayank Pandya
3, Paras, Dadabhoy Road,
Andheri (w), Mumabai - 400058
Landmark - Navrang Cinema
Phone No. - 26285993

Dr. Ajay VyasSunflower Hospital, 4th Road,
Juhu Scheme, Vile Parle (W), Mumbai - 56
Landmark - Mithibai College
Phone No. - 56959779

Dr. Bhavna Asher
1) Kedar Nursing Home, Thakur Complex, Kandivali (E)
2) Shree Balahanuman Hospital, S V Road, Borivali (W)
Landmark -
1) Opp Hotel Avenue
2) Next to Vijay Sales
Phone No. -
1) 28546364, 28545198
2) 28056677, 28053744, 9820134060

Dr. Manoj Rajani
Bhagat Polyclinic, Ganjawala Lane, Borivali (W)
Landmark - Opp Petrol Pump, Borivali (W)
Phone No. - 28933926

Dr. Karthik Rao
Healthy Mind Clinic, Building No. 12,
D N Nagar, Andheri (W)
Landmark - Near Ganesh Chowk
Phone No. - 26715228, 9820153125

Dr. Neeta A Mehta ( Shah )
D-502, Rizvi Nagar, 5th Floor,
S V Road, Santacruz (W)
Landmark - Near Milan Theatre
Phone No. - 26140056

Dr. Rajiv Anand
5, Camalane, Behind Moti Mahal,
Opp Station, Andheri (W)
Landmark - Varsha Medical Store
Phone No. - 26206657, 30908297

Dr. P V Meswani
Ratandeep, S V Road, Santacruz (W)
Landmark - Opp Noble Medicals
Phone No. -

Dr. B N Sawant
Leela-Neel Clinic, Sai Kutir Society,
Tejpal Scheme Road No. 5, Vile Parle (E), Mumbai - 400017
Landmark - Ram Mandir
Phone No. - 56264897 (between 8 - 9 pm)

Dr. H P Bedekar
Dr Bedekar Clinic, Desai Apt.,
Dattatrya Road, Santacruz (W), Mumbai - 54
Landmark - Indian Bank
Phone No. - 26614739

Dr. Ajit Dandekar
Saikripa Clinic, C-3, Viral Apts.,
S V Road, Andheri (W), Mumbai - 400058
Landmark - Opp Shoppers Stop, Andheri (W)
Phone No. - 26286636, 26287788, 26142927

Dr. P P Ashok
1, Yashwant Nagar,
53, S V Road, Andheri (W), Mumbai
Landmark - Opp Shoppers Stop
Phone No. - 26204684

Dr. S L KhannaSwiss Clinic & Nursing Home, 105/B,
Swiss Palace, Shastri NAgar, Off Four Bunglows,
Andheri (W), Mumbai - 52
Landmark - Opp Bank of Punjab, Near Lokhandwala Complex
Phone No. - 9820067355

Dr. P C Shastri, Dr. Jay P Shastri
3/3 Vivina Bldg., S V Road,
Andheri (W), Opp. Andheri Station, Mumbai - 58
Landmark - Next to BEST Bus Depot, Andheri (W) Railway Station
Phone No. - 26282828, 9821349317, 9821155628

Dr. K C Shah
Neuroclinic, B-10, 1st Floor,
Megha Co-op Housing Society, 214/B,
S V Road, Irla Bridge, Andheri (W)
Landmark - Opp Viay Sales Showroom
Phone No. - 26710819, 9820129765

Dr. S M Agrawal
Saibaba Hospital, 1st floor, Nagvekar Apartments,
Akurli Road, Kandivali (E), Mumbai
Landmark - Temptation Restaurant
Phone No. - 9870447670

Dr. K S Ayyar
Dhanvamtari Hospital, V.P.Road, Om M K Stan,
Andheri (W), Mumbai - 400058
Landmark - Fidai Baug, Behind Cafe Azfa,
Close to Railway Station
Phone No. - 26286024, 26281936

Nagpur :

Dr. Mukund Baheti
Baheti Hospital, Near Lokmat Square,
Balraj Marg, Dhantoli, Nagpur
Landmark - Near Lokmat Building
Phone No. - 0712 - 2420590, 2461590, 2427171

Dr. Chandrashekhar Meshram Brain Centre, Neeti Gaurav Complex,
Near Lokmat Square, Ramdaspeth, Nagpur - 440010
Landmark - Near Hotel Centre Point
Phone No. - 0712 – 2528701

Dr. Shailesh V Pangaonkar CIBS, 8, Nawab Layout,
Tilak Nagar, Nagpur
Landmark - Mansi Girls Hostel, Behind Pantaloons
Phone No. - 0712 - 2548966

Dr. Sudhir Bhave5th floor, Midas Hights, Opp. Tarun Bharat Central Bazar Road,
Ramdaspeth, Nagpur - 440010
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0712 - 2520815, 2548198

Dr. Bang Govind M. 
Bang Nursing Home, Dhantoli, Nagpur
Landmark - Near Dinanath School
Phone No. - 0712 - 2522409

Dr. S I Mujawar1) G-2, 1st floor, Anjuman Complex, Sadar, Nagapur
2) Opp. Orbit, Near Museum, Civil Lines, Nagapur - 1
Landmark -
Phone No. - 1) 2581520, 2) 2525666

Dr. Jayant Pande
Pande Memorial Hospital, P R Sathe Marg,
Dhantoli, Nagpur
Landmark - Devi Ahilya Mandir
Phone No. - 2534254

Dr. K K SachdevaRatan Market, City P.O. Road,
Itwari, Nagpur - 440002
Landmark -
Phone No. - 2766184

Dr. Nitin Chandak
CIIMS, 88/2, Bajaj Nagar, Nagpur - 440010
Landmark -
Phone No. - 2236441

Dr. Avinash JoshiPallavi Hospital, Pushpakunj Complex,
Ramdaspeth, Nagpur
Landmark - Hotel Centre Point
Phone No. - 2538248

Dr. Chandrashekhar Joshi 
C-108, Yugdharma Complex,
Central Bazar Road, Ramdaspeth, Nagpur
Landmark -
Phone No. – 2548458

Dr. Sanjay G Ramteke
1st floor, Jasleen Hospital,
Panchasheel Square, Nagpur - 13
Landmark - Near Big Bazar
Phone No. - 9890332286

Dr. Praveer WaredkarNandanwan Mental Health Centre, Matru Sewa Sangh,
Zhansi Rani Square, Sitabuldi, Nagpur - 440010
Landmark - Matru Sewa Sangh
Phone No. - 0712 - 2522393

Dr. Ravindra Ramdasji Urkude 
9A, 2nd floor, Pushpakunj Complex,
Central Bazar Road, Ramdaspeth, Nagpur
Landmark - Near Hotel Centre Point
Phone No. - 0712 - 2526195, 9822240748

Dr. Vikas M Bhute
Panchsheel Cinema Building,
Wardha Road, Nagpur
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0712 - 3950286

Dr. Vivek KirpekarShar Hari Complex, 20, Central Bazar Road,
Ramdaspeth, Nagpur
Landmark - Hotel Chidambara
Phone No. - 0712 - 5614664

Nashik :

Dr. Jayant DhakeS-19, Sathaye Baug, M.G. Road,
Near Hotel Annapurna, Nashik - 422001
Landmark - Hotel Annapurna
Phone No. - 0253 - 2581663

Dr. Umesh S Nagapurkar
U.T.I. Bank Bldg., Near Raymond Showroom,
Sharanpur Road, Nashik - 422002
Landmark - Opp. NML - Rajiv Gandhi Bhavan
Phone No. - 0253 - 2580600, 2594454

Dr. Shantilal Dhadiwal 
Manoshanti Nursing Home, Umiya Apt.,
Canada Corner, Nashik - 422005
Landmark - Below Janakalyan Blood Bank
Phone No. - 2579319

New Delhi :

Dr. Rajesh Garg (Neuro)
17/69, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 110026
Mon - Sat (6 p.m. - 8 p.m.)
Landmark -
Phone No. - 011 - 25224578, 25223278, 9810024399

Dr. Jaideep Bansal MBBS, MD, DM Neurology
434, Pocket C-8, Sector - 8, Rohini,
Madhuban Chowk, N Delhi - 65
Landmark - Near the HeartLab
Phone No. - 011 - 27944404, 9811103639

Dr. Rajiv Anand
1) Sehgal Nursing Home, B-364, Meera Bagh, N.D. - 110087
2) Jaipur Golden Hospital, Rohini Sector - 3, New Delhi
Landmark -
Phone No. - 25267090, 25259248, 9810046082

Dr. P K Sethi
104, Nav Jiwan Vihar, N. Delhi - 110017
Landmark - Opp Geetanjali Enclave
Phone No. - 9811046006

Dr. Vikas Jain
4/17, West Patel Nagar, New Delhi - 110008
Landmark - Metro Station Patel Nagar & D.A.V. School
Phone No. - 9810036558, 25880121 / 4895 / 5151, 25278955

Dr. Rajesh Nagpal
Manobal Klinik, A-2, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi
Landmark - Raja Garden Chowk
Phone No. - 25172059, 25934802

Dr. Prof. Kameshwar Prasad (Neuro)
Room No. A-26, Ground Floor, Neurology OPD,
C.N.C, A.I.I.M.S, Delhi (Wednesday)
Landmark - M.G. Road, Ring Road, AIIMS
Phone No. - 26593497

Dr. Rajesh Rastogi (Psy) 
1st Floor, New OPD Block,
Psychiatry Dept. (Mon-Fri, 10-1)
Landmark -
Phone No. - 26707643 Tues/Friday

Dr. D C Jain (HOD)
EEG Lab, Dept. of Neurology,
Sadarjung Hospital, Delhi
Mon, Thus (9.00 to 11.30 am)
Landmark - Opp to AIIMS
Phone No. - 011 - 26163417

Dr. Renu Achtani (Neuro) MD, DM
Holy Angel's Hospital & Indian Spine & Injury Centre,
Vasant Kunj, Sector-C, N.D. - 110070
Landmark - Vasant Continental Hotel
Phone No. - 9810009316, 26124621, 26896642

Dr. Gorav Gupta (Psy) 1) Bafna Hospital (Mon, Wed, Thus)
2) Apollo Hospital, Room No.- 1220, Sarita Vihar,
Delhi - Mathura Road, N.D. - 110044.
Landmark -
Phone No. - 9811020769 (by appointment only)

Dr. P N Renjen (Neuro) 
Room No. - 1021, Neuro OPD, (Mon -Sat, 1pm to 5pm)
Apollo Hospital, Sarita Vihar, N.D. - 110044
Landmark -
Phone No. - 011 - 26925858, 9810059614

Dr. Mukul Verma (Neuro) DMRoom No. - 1021, Ground Floor,
Apollo Hospital, Sarita Vihar, N.D. - 110044
Landmark - on Delhi - Mathura Road
Phone No. - 9811017889

Dr. N K Vohra (Psy) 
B-65, Friends Colony (West), New Delhi - 110065
Landmark -
Phone No. - 011 - 26847273, 9811116980

Dr. Neena Vohra (Psy) 

B-65, Friends Colony (West), New Delhi - 110065
Landmark -
Phone No. - 011 - 26847273, 9810356500

Dr. Sanjay Chugh
S-132, Greater, Kailash -II, New Delhi - 110048
Landmark - Savitri Cinema / M-Block Market, G.K. - II
Phone No. - 011 - 51436012, 51436013

Dr. Aashish Bhattacharya DM (Neuro) 
Sehgal Neurological Research Institute & Nursing Home,
B-21,22 , Kailash Colony N.D. - 110048
2.30 - 4.00 pm - Daily
Landmark - Nehru Palace
Phone No. - 9811590058

Dr. Rakesh Aggarwal (Neuro) 
B-213, C.R. Park, New Delhi - 110019
Mon - Sat 6 to 8 pm
Landmark - Near Nehru Place, on Outer Ring Road
Phone No. - 011 - 26272009, 26277138, 9811010856

Dr. S Raghavan (Neuro) 
Neurology Dept., Safdarjans Hospital
(Mon/Wed/Thurs - 9am to 12 noon)
Landmark -
Phone No. - 26163417

Dr. S K Choudhary (Neuro)
D-683, C.R. Park, Ground Floor, N. Delhi
Landmark - Opp Market No 2 & Meda Ground
Phone No. - 9811192873

Dr. (Lt Col) Ravi Malhotra (Neuro) 
Max Med Centre, N-110, Panchsheel Park,
N.D. - 110017, (Mon-Fri, 8 am to 12 noon)
Landmark -
Phone No. - 9899569752 (by appointment only)

Dr. Anoop Kohli (Neuro) MD, DM
Room No - 1019, Ground Floor, Indraprashtha,
Apollo Hosp., Sarita Vihar, New Delhi - 110044
Landmark - On Delhi Mathura Road
Phone No. - 9811101880

Dr. Sanjeev PrasadConsultant Psychiatrist & De Addiction Specialist
The Neuro Psychiatry & Gynae Clinic,
129-Vardhaman Ring Road, Market J G - Pocket,
Block - J, Vikas Puri
Landmark - Opp Pastry Plaza, Opp Krishna Park Extension, Outer Ring Road
Phone No. - 9810010340

Dr. Ashwani Kumar
"Santulan", F-60, Bali Nagar,
Near Ramesh Nagar Metro Station, New Delhi - 15
Landmark - 3rd building behind Bali Nagar Gurudwara
Phone No. - 25437111, 25455356

Dr. A K Sohani (Neuro) 
Room No. - 11, Indian Spinal Injuries Centre,
Sec-C, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi - 70
Thursday & Friday - 10.30 - 12.30
Landmark - Vasant Kunj Police Station
Phone No. - 011 - 5255225 (30 lines) ext. - 201/202/305/218

Dr. Pankaj Verma (Psy) B-454, Meera Bagh, Paschim Vihar,
Outer Ring Road, New Delhi
Landmark -
Phone No. - 98212034345

Dr. Sumit Singh (Neuro) 
707, Neuro-Science Centre, AIIMS,
Ansari Nagar, N.D. - 110029
Landmark -
Phone No. - 011 - 26588700 ext. - 3491, 55644577, 9810052615

Dr. Rohit Bhatia (Neuro) Room No. - 707, C N Centre, AIIMS, N.D. - 110029
Landmark -
Phone No. - 011 - 26588700 extn. - 3491/4856, 9891267417

Dr. Mamta Bhushan Singh DM (Neuro)
Room No. - 59, Ground Floor, Neuro-Science Centre,
AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, N.D. - 110029
Landmark - Near Delli Hatt
Phone No. - 011 - 26588700

Dr. Garina Shukla MD DM (Neuro) Department of Neurology,
All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
New Delhi, India
Landmark -
Phone No. - 011 - 26593252, 26588700 extn. - 4210

Dr. Acgal K Srivastava (Neuro)
C-21, CNL OPD,
Landmark - AIIMS
Phone No. - 26588700 ext. - 3238

Dr. Rajesh Nagpal 
MANOBAL CLINIC E-2 Rajori Garden
New Delhi Delhi
011- 25172059 ,011-25934802

Dr. Ravi NehruNehru Department of Neurology G B PANT Hospital
Tuesday, Thursday 9am-11 am
DELHI 110002 Delhi 011-23232969

Dr. Rajeev Anand
Consultant Neurologist,
Jaipur Golden Hospital,
Rohini A-203, Meera Baug,
Monday-Friday 11am-1.30 pm
New Delhi Delhi 011- 27525982 25267232

Patna :

Dr. Shekar Kr. (Neuro Physician)
Near Kankarbagh, Golumbar,
Kankarbagh - 800020, Patna
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0931015152

Dr. S K Jha
Neurology Clinic, B-27,
Shrikishnapuri, Patna - 800001
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0612 - 2206977

Dr. N P Singh
Near Bata Showroom, 27,
P.C. Colony, front of Salimar Sweets,
Kankarbagh, Patna - 800020
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0612 - 2352867

Dr. P K Chaudhary (Psychiatrist)
Prof - Davis Institute of Mental Hospital,
Kanke, Ranchi
Landmark -
Phone No. - 09334778499

Dr. S D RamBank Road, Muzaffarpur, Patna
Landmark -
Phone No. - 094311069055

Dr. B K Singh
Pranjul Apartment,
West Boring Canal Road,
Patna - 800004
Landmark - Pranjul Complex
Phone No. - 0612 - 2523732

Dr. Anuj Kr. Singh
[CNS], Sahdev Mahlo Road,
Krishnapuri - B, Patna - 800001
Landmark -
Phone No. - 09431012615

Dr. Satish Kr SinhaSenior Resident Psychiatry
Deptt. of Nalanda Medical College,
Agamkuna, Patna
Landmark -
Phone No. - 09431046172

Dr. A K Singh (Neurologist)
Arya Nagar Road, Rajendra Nagar,
Patna - 800016
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0612 - 2099

Dr. Sudhir Ranjan (Neurologist)Near A A Apartment, Hazari Bagh Road,
Landmark -
Phone No. - 9835137236

Dr. Basu Dev (Senior Resident)
Central Hospital of Psychiatry
Kanke, Ranchi
Landmark -
Phone No. - 9431108544

Dr. M N SinghH.O.D. of Neurology Department,
Tata Hospital, Tatanagar
Landmark - Tata Hospital
Phone No. - 4144697, 2431624

Dr. Pradeep KumarPatrakar Nagar, 16,
Kankarbagh, Patna - 800020
Landmark -
Phone No. - 09835039988

Dr. Santosh
Patna Medical College, (Psych Department)
Landmark -
Phone No. - 098355000029

Dr. S M Rohtagi
150, Patiliputra Colony,
Patiliputra, Patna - 800013
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0612 - 2256089

Dr. Gautam
Psych. Department,
Patna Medical College, Patna
Landmark -
Phone No. - 9334269891

Dr. KunalPatna Medical College, Patna
Landmark -
Phone No. - 9334115325

Dr. M A Khan
35, Dhatkidih,
Tatanagar, (Jharkhand)
Landmark - Tata Hosp.
Phone No. - 9431104120

Dr. SureshPsych. - Deptt. Medical College,
Landmark -
Phone No. -

Dr. Ashok Krishna (Neuro-Surgeon)
CNS, Krishnapuri - B,
Sahdev Mahti Marg, Patna - 800001
Landmark -
Phone No. - 09431012615

Dr. Kishor Kr. (Neuro-Surgeon)
C.N.S., Sahdev Mahto Road,
Krishnapuri - B, Patna - 800001
Landmark -
Phone No. - 09431012615

Dr. K K Singh
Psychiatry Dept. of Patna Medical College,
Landmark -
Phone No. - 09431467451

Dr. Ravi Bhushan
Kayakalp Clinic, Rajendra Nagar,
Patna - 800016
Landmark -
Phone No. -

Dr. Q MuzaffarChand Hospital, Patiliputra Colony,
Patna - 800013
Landmark -
Phone No. -

Dr. Kvnd Kumar
Psych. Department Patna Medical College,
Landmark -
Phone No. -

Dr. Madhurendra
Psych. Department Patna Medical College,
Landmark -
Phone No. -

Pune :

Dr. Anand Alurkar'Sumati Clinic', 1st Floor,
Above Hotel Shivsagar,
Jangli Maharaj Road, Pune - 4
Landmark - Opp. Sambhaji Park
Phone No. - 25538904

Dr. Vilas Bhailume
'Aroma Terraces', Flat No.1,
State Bank Nagar, Opp. Karvenagar,
P.M.T. Bus Stop, Karvenagar, Pune - 411052,
Landmark -
Phone No. - 020 - 25440186, 9422003360

Dr. (Mrs.) Telang Suparna D 
Usha Nursing Home, 149, M.G. Road,
Near Juni Pulgate Police Chawky, Pune - 1
Landmark -
Phone No. - 26344969 / 395, 9823084996

Dr. Nilesh Naphade
61/9, Saiprasad, Prabhat Road,
Lane - 14, Pune - 411004
Landmark - Income Tax Office
Phone No. - 9422025575

Dr. Chaugule Shailesh
S-4, Rohan Chambers, Near Karve Statue,
Kothrud, Pune, Maharashtra
Landmark - Karve Statue
Phone No. - 9422001070

Dr. R Sunita Raman
110, Krishna Clinc, Parmar Park,
Above Plaza Medical Store,
Jambhulkar Chowk, Wanowarie, Pune
Landmark - Parmar, Block before Food World, Wanworie
Phone No. - 9422012726

Dr. Rahul Kulkarni
Mastishka Neurology Clinic, 1103,
Shukrawar Peth, Pune 411002
Landmark - Hirabaug, Tilak Road, Pune 2
Phone No. - 020 – 24475927

Dr. Madhav Ghate
33 / 32-A, Opp. Lane No. 3,
Prabhat Road, Pune - 4
Landmark - Opp Rutuja Bakery
Phone No. - 25434046, 9823053691

Dr. Arvind Panchanawkar
9 / 102, Soba Mansion
Erandawana, Pune - 4
Landmark - Mahatra Bridge
Phone No. - 25423100, 9822558694

Dr. D M Gulabani
B-5, Shangrila Gardens,
31, Bund Garden Road, Pune - 411001
Landmark - 9422012870
Phone No. - Near ICICI Bank

Dr. S S Akhegaonkar
Uma Prasad Clinic, Asmita Apartments,
1194, S'nagar, Pune - 5
Landmark - Park View Hotel, Ghole Road, Pune - 5
Phone No. - 24459681, 25537587

Dr. S M Joshi
Jai Bhagirathi, 881,
B Sadashiv Peth, Pune - 411030
Landmark - 
Phone No. - 9822057672

Dr. Dattameya Dhavale 
1170 / 20-A, Revenue Colony
Shivaji Nagar, Pune - 411005
Landmark - Shivaji Nagar Post Office & Telephone exchange
Phone No. - 020 - 25535074

Dr. Himani KulkarniAruneet Polyclinic, J.M.Road,
Opp. Sambhaji Park, Shivajinagar, Pune
Landmark - Shubham Hotel
Phone No. - 9890002309

Dr. Pradip DivateWest-Cottage, Taboot Street,
Camp, Pune - 1
Landmark - Near ABN-Amro Bank, Behind Budhani Wafers
Phone No. - 26130649

Dr. Suran Zachariah
2, Golden Court,
50, Aundh Road, Pune
Landmark - Near Ganpati Mandir, 1/2 km from Khadki Railway Station
Phone No. - 25695050

Dr. Satish P. Nirhali
Primier Plaza, ' B ' - wing, Second floor,
Opp. Surkya Kiran Hotel, Behind SBI Bank, Chinchwad
Landmark - State Bank of India, Chinchwad
Phone No. - 56142939, 27451676, 9823027714

Dr. Bharat Sarode
Prempark, Masulkar Colony, Pimpri, Pune -18
Timing - 4 pm to 6 pm
Uttam Market, Opp. Jayashree Theatre,
Chinchwad Station, Pune -19
Timing - 7 pm to 9 pm
Landmark - Behind PCMC Building, Pimpri, Pune
Phone No. - 9371011122, 9422027599

Dr. Mehta Sureshkumar Ghisulal
46, B.G.Corner, Behind Main Bus Stop,
Nigdi, Pune - 411044
Timing - 5.30 pm to 8 pm
Landmark - Nigdi Fly-Over Chowk
Phone No. - 27478203

Dr. N R Ichaporia
Jehangir Hospital,
32 Jassoon Road, Pune - 411001
Landmark - Pune Railway Station
Phone No. - 56205620, 26131523

Dr. Bandishki Sunil
Thackers House, Office No. 3,
East Street, Camp, Pune - 1
Phone No. - 56011270

Sangli :

Dr. Charudatta Kulkarni 
Manah Swasthya Hospital,
Near S.T. Stand, Sangli
Landmark - S.T. Stand, Sangli
Phone No. - 0233 - 2530057

Dr. Sagar Kulkarni
Yashashree Hospital & Psychiatric Centre,
1630, Khan Baug, Bhoigulli, Sangli
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0233 - 2372751

Dr. Govind Kulkarni
'Manodnya' Nursing Home,
Behind Hotel 'Pai - Prakash',
Vishrambag, Sangli
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0233 - 3099278, 2300027

Solapur :

Dr. Burte Dilip
Lal Bahadur Shastri Shopping Centre,
Navi Peth, Near Paras Estate, Solapur
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0217 - 2729856

Dr. Shrikant Patankar
86, Siddheshwar Peth,
Near State Bank Treasury Branch,
Solapur - 413001 ( Maharashtra )
Landmark - Siddheshwar Shopping Centre
Phone No. - 0217 - 2723049


Dr. Mathuranath 
Department of Neurology,
Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology,
Thursday, Friday
Trivandrum 695 011 

Varanasi :

Dr. Amit Kumar Singh MD DM (Neuro)
Heritage Hospitals, Lanka, Varanasi
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0542 - 2368888, 236991

Dr. Mithilesh Saran 
N-6/2, J-1, Indira Nagar Colony, Chitaipur,
P.O. Sundarpur, Varanasi
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0542 - 2317559

Dr. V D Tiwari
Birdopur Road, Opp. Dr. Usha Gupta Nursing Home,
Mehmoorganj, Varanasi
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0542 - 2360161

Dr. Rajiv Shrama MBBS, MS, Mch (Neuro)
Swastik NeuroSurgical Centre, 17, Adarash Nagar,
Inside Shivaji Nagar, Near Akashvani, Mehmoorganj, Varanasi
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0542 - 2226225

Dr. Alok Ojha MBBS MS Mch DNB (Neuro)
Surya Complex - II, Mehmoorganj, Near Akashvani, Varanasi
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0542 - 2226226

Dr. Surendra Mishra MD DM (Neurology)
91, Rohit Nagar, Varanasi
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0542 - 2316248

Dr. R P Singh MBBS MS Mch (Neuro Surgery)
Alaknanda Hospitals Pvt. Ltd., Plot No. - 21,
Ravindrapuri Ext., Varanasi
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0542 - 2312780

Dr. Deepika Joshi
Department of Neurology, IMS, BHU, Varanasi
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0542 - 2369336

Dr. S K Poddar MBBS MD DM (Neuro)
Neurology Centre, Durga Kund, Varanasi - 221005
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0542 – 2311844

Dr. V G Jhanwar MD (Psy)
Badhal Kothi, Durga Kund, Varanasi
Landmark - Durga Kund Temple, Varanasi
Phone No. - 0542 - 2310670

Dr. Hament Singh MD (Psy)
H.No. - 261, Shivpuri Bipass, Airport Road, Varanasi
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0542 - 2282823

Dr. Hament Singh MD (Psy)
H.No. - 261, Shivpuri Bipass, Airport Road, Varanasi
Landmark -
Phone No. - 0542 - 2282823


Source Silver Innings Foundation :