78yrs young RTI & Senior Citizen Activist Mr.Manshuklal.V.Ruparelia talks about the problems of Senior Citizens and the State Government Neglect and lack of Political Will for the Policy and Welfare of Senior Citizens. This One Man Mission Pledges to Fight till Last Breath to bring Justice and Dignity to Senior Citizens in India and State of Maharashtra.
This blog is made to share news on Alzheimer’s Disease in India. To raise awareness among the population in and from India, inform people of the resources they may have in their country and about actions taken by organizations. Also, it aims to support families and caregivers there to cope with this disease; help researchers worldwide and advocates in collecting datas and infos, develop views on the local Public Health Policy toward the affected elderly population in India.
Alzheimer's Disease in India Consultancy Service
If you have a project, contact us for advice at hendi.lingiah@gmail.com
Join our Family Caregivers, Volunteers and Care Professionals on Facebook and LinkedIn.
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Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Late-stage dementia care by the Dementia Care Notes Website.
"A late-stage dementia patient is dependent on others for all activities. He/ she is bed-ridden, or almost bed-ridden. Caring for a late-stage dementia person is very different from caring for a early dementia patient or a mid-stage dementia patient (see: Plan care for various dementia stages).
In India, with hardly any assisted living centres that accept dementia patients, care for late stage patients is done at home. Home must, therefore, be adapted for such care; dementia caregivers must discuss with their doctor for information on setting up home for care, and for the skills to learn for such care.
Home care of a late-stage dementia patient requires good access to medical support, such as doctors who do home visits, pathology labs that can take samples from home, and other such facilities. This is the final stage of the disease, and the patient will begin to deteriorate and fade away, and finally die.
In India, with hardly any assisted living centres that accept dementia patients, care for late stage patients is done at home. Home must, therefore, be adapted for such care; dementia caregivers must discuss with their doctor for information on setting up home for care, and for the skills to learn for such care.
Home care of a late-stage dementia patient requires good access to medical support, such as doctors who do home visits, pathology labs that can take samples from home, and other such facilities. This is the final stage of the disease, and the patient will begin to deteriorate and fade away, and finally die.
This page discusses an indicative (but not exhaustive) list of what caregivers need to know.
On this page:
- Setting up the home for care
- Setting up support systems
- Learning home nursing
- Understanding the patient
- Remaining alert on problems related to extended stay in bed
- Remaining alert on co-existing or new medical conditions
- Learning about end-of-life care decisions and consulting with family
- Relating with the patient
- Grief and counselling
- Instructive videos and links
- See also…"
VIDEO : http://alzheimerdiseaseinindia.blogspot.com/2011/11/video-home-care-of-bed-ridden-patient.html
Thursday, November 17, 2011
"Aspiration Pneumonia among patients suffering from a Dementia Syndrome" on “The Indian Caregiver’s Corner”
Testimonies edited with permission of the family caregivers.
“The Indian Caregiver’s Corner” :
This section is made in part, to explain theoretically the different aspects of Alzheimer’s Disease, the patients and caregivers have to face worldwide… like the impairment process, the different disorders: memory, language, organization… changes in personality and behavior…. But also, the impact of the pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions like socialization, meditation, physical exercise, the caregiver’s role and difficulties encountered in India.
Readers are invited to enrich this section to make it an experience-based one, a resourceful section for other caregivers to find there helpful tips/ways to cope with the symptoms, the daily care activities and to face specific situations in their local setting, at home, outside, with family, doctors….
Family Caregivers sharing their experiences of Aspirated Pneumonia among patients suffering from a Dementia Syndrome:
"My mother, 64, Late stage AD PATIENT has been suffering from breathing problems and swelling in limbs for a month. We admitted her in a hospital . They found her lungs in bad condition and diagnosed ASPIRATED PNEUMONIA. After 5 days' medication,feeding and chest physiotherapy NO improvement was seen . We spent about 90 thousand rupees there. We requested them to discharge her. After getting discharged from that hospital, we reached home safly by an ambulence.
SURPRISINGLY she was looking relaxed in the van and at home she started giving responses by eyes, moving head a little. She had 200 ml milk and then she slept comfortably. Everyone at home saw the change in her face and in her expressions. In hospital she was tense and somehow worried among the strangers etc.
Too much saliva/cough is coming out of her mouth. SHE has a feeding tube through nose. She does not have fever. We have bought a NEBULIZER for her and also wish to buy a SUCTION PUMP to clean her mouth full of saliva/cough.
Too much saliva/cough is coming out of her mouth. SHE has a feeding tube through nose. She does not have fever. We have bought a NEBULIZER for her and also wish to buy a SUCTION PUMP to clean her mouth full of saliva/cough.
Nos I want to know do dementia/ad patients die of aspirated pneunmonia? WHY, HOW AND WHEN? PLS TELL ME your experiences with feeding tube, P.E.G/P.E.J. Is there any ayurvedik medicine for aspirated pneumonia? How long do such patients live with aspirated pneunomina?"
Reply from Vijaya (family caregiver, Mumbai) on her experience with her Dad :
"Yes Sheikh. This happened to my Dad also. This happens because they lose the ability to swallow (muscles dont swallow correctly to the stomach) very often food goes into the lungs. You know how it hurts when we drink water and it goes down the wrong way. The patient has to cough everytime this happens to bring it out of the lungs.
When this happens repeatedly the body's defence mechanism produces mucus and this fills up parts of the lungs. You can see the shadow on the chest x-ray. In my Dad's case it was treated with antibiotics (intravenous and later oral), nebuliser, mucolite syrup and also with chest physiotherapy. Here the therapist knocks on the chest and back to bring the mucus up and it is aspirated out from the throat with a tube by the nurse. This is because the patient is too weak to cough it out.
My experience with feeding tube - In the hospital they had a nasogastric tube and fed liquid food 100ml every 2 hrs. This resulted in a bloated stomach. I had to argue and plead to get them to reduce it to once in 3 hrs. We were also advised by the GI specialist to have a feeding tube inserted directly into the stomach (surgically done). Came home and researched online. In our case we decided against it.
Swollen limbs is water retention (edema) - can be due to various causes. Important that the cause is known for correct treatment. Do keep asking questions.
In my Dad's case the veins were very brittle so the IV fluids filled up his arms and they were swollen like rubber gloves filled with water. Doctors said it would go away in a few days but we specifically asked if something could be done for immediate relief. Only then the head nurse asked for glycerine and mangnesium sulphate mixed the two and made bandages over the arms. Over night, the swelling came down. All the water came out through the pores on the skin.
Discuss the edema with the doctors. They should explain the reasons and the treatment that they are proposing."
Do anything in consultation with qualified doctor / nurse.
Alzheimer's Disease in India :
Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us on our Facebook group. I am sure the other Caregivers facing similar situations there would be very moved by seeing all your efforts in making your ailing relative feel comfortable through the disease.
Indeed, each testimony is important for us because other Family Caregivers in India, may find there the support and relief they needed, benefit of your "advises and tips" and you may even have enlighten their pathway then.
So dear Members and Reader, thank you for bringing hope, by participating even if you don't have a "serious" problem/case but even just feelings/thoughts are worth to share. It is really helping us in raising awareness on this disease, to bring support and knowledge for Dementia Care Management in India.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Treatable causes of Memory Loss, New Delhi India, 2011.
"When you can't recall the details", By Harsha Chawla, Today New Delhi, November 15, 2011.
"When the lapses are regular rather than occasional and forgetfulness starts getting in the way of your life, it's time to sit up and take stock. Memory loss could be due to simple factors such as nutritional deficiency or extreme stress. It could be due to changes in the brain or degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's or Dementia.
Other medical conditions like a brain tumour, infection or nutritional deficiencies could also be blamed.
We inform you about how to get to the bottom of your failing memory.
Forgetfulness on the rise
Forgetfulness is a common complaint for those above 40 these days. While these may not be a consequence of serious memory loss, these lapses can interfere with their everyday functioning and job performance.
According to neurologists, many of the slip-ups we attribute to fading memory are actually caused by failing attention or poor concentration caused by stress or depression. Paying attention is crucial to forming memories.
So when people don't give their undivided attention to a conversation or event, they fail to recall it later, which is not a memory lapse but merely a case of poor concentration.
"People get bouts of memory loss when they handle too many things. While doing one task, they are distracted by the idea of what's next. This results in slow thinking and poor retention," says Dr Praveen Gupta, neurologist, Artemis Health Institute, Gurgaon. Having said that, it's important to talk to a doctor to know the type of memory problem you suffer from."
Other medical conditions like a brain tumour, infection or nutritional deficiencies could also be blamed.
We inform you about how to get to the bottom of your failing memory.
Forgetfulness on the rise
Forgetfulness is a common complaint for those above 40 these days. While these may not be a consequence of serious memory loss, these lapses can interfere with their everyday functioning and job performance.
According to neurologists, many of the slip-ups we attribute to fading memory are actually caused by failing attention or poor concentration caused by stress or depression. Paying attention is crucial to forming memories.
So when people don't give their undivided attention to a conversation or event, they fail to recall it later, which is not a memory lapse but merely a case of poor concentration.
"People get bouts of memory loss when they handle too many things. While doing one task, they are distracted by the idea of what's next. This results in slow thinking and poor retention," says Dr Praveen Gupta, neurologist, Artemis Health Institute, Gurgaon. Having said that, it's important to talk to a doctor to know the type of memory problem you suffer from."
#1 Alcohol
It used to be an old joke that a few pegs of alcohol would deaden your brain. Not anymore. Research confirming the link between alcohol consumption and memory loss is mounting. Cognitive impairment can even take place after a couple of drinks.
If you have been drinking for many years, then your brain faces far reaching consequences affecting learning, retention and retrieval of information. When alcohol is consumed, neurochemical changes occur in the brain and the oxygen supply to the brain is reduced, more so in the frontal and parietal regions. This ends up affecting the cognitive performance of the brain."
Read more at: http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/memory-loss-forgetfulness-cognitive-impairment-treatable-causes-of-memory-loss/1/160022.html
When you can't recall the details : Lifestyle News - India Today
When to get worried
- You forget the most common words when speaking and mix up words.
- You ask the same questions repeatedly.
- You take unusually long to complete the most familiar tasks.
- You misplace items and lose the ability to retrace steps.
- You find it challenging to plan or solve problems.
- You are confused about time or place.
- You withdraw from work or social activities.
Treatable causes of memory loss
#1 Alcohol
It used to be an old joke that a few pegs of alcohol would deaden your brain. Not anymore. Research confirming the link between alcohol consumption and memory loss is mounting. Cognitive impairment can even take place after a couple of drinks.
If you have been drinking for many years, then your brain faces far reaching consequences affecting learning, retention and retrieval of information. When alcohol is consumed, neurochemical changes occur in the brain and the oxygen supply to the brain is reduced, more so in the frontal and parietal regions. This ends up affecting the cognitive performance of the brain."
Read more at: http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/memory-loss-forgetfulness-cognitive-impairment-treatable-causes-of-memory-loss/1/160022.html
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
India Pension System : one of the weakest in the world.
"20 nations with the WEAKEST pension systems"
November 10, 2011 From Rediff Business Website.
"Pension is a regular (normally monthly) payment that a person gets when he/she has retired from a job. This regular payment is obtained from an investment fund to which that person, or his/her employer, contributed during the time the person was working.
At a time when you are no longer young enough to work, it is the pension that comes to your aid.
People working in the organised sector, and their employers, contribute to the Provident Fund (which is effectively a retirement fund). Upon a person's retirement, he/she gets the entire sum at one go which can then be used to invest in a scheme that gives monthly income or to build a house or finance a child's wedding or education, etc.
In India, the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority is the prudential regulator for the New Pension Scheme. This scheme promises regular income based on the amount of money you invest in it during the time you are earning.
So which are the nations with the world's weakest pension systems currently?
1. Greece
Greece is home to the weakest national pension system in the world, according to the Allianz Global Investors Pension Sustainability Index.
The index monitors the sustainability of national pension systems in 44 nations across the globe.
Greece, already facing bankruptcy, has an almost unsustainable level of sovereign debt, poor pension take-up, early retirement age and thus an ever increasing number of pensioners that has skewed its economy against the productive/working population.
In other words, Greece has far many more pensioners than working people. The results of this study show Greece to be in the greatest need for reform.
Not only does Greece have the worst ranking within Europe, it yields the highest score of all the countries considered in this study.
At the heart of Greece's deteriorating ranking are acute sovereign debt, a quite serious aging problem and a still generous pension system, despite pension reforms initiated as a condition of IMF and ECB financing initiatives.
2. India
India has the second weakest pension system in the world.
The Pension Sustainability Index systematically examines relevant elements of pension systems in order to measure and evaluate the pressure on governments to reform their national pension systems.
India is under the most reform pressure. Extremely low pension coverage in the country remains the primary challenge to India's pension policy.
Adequate steps have yet to be implemented to see to it that pension coverage increases in India.
Only 12 per cent of the enormous Indian population of 1.21 billion is covered by any type of formal pension arrangement at all.
3. China
In China, like India, only about 12 per cent of the population contributes to a pension. China ranks third in terms of weakness in pension system.
The ratio of pensioners aged 65 and older to population aged 15-64 years is expected to top 40 per cent in China by 2050.
Comprehensive pension systems remain the exception rather than the rule across Asia, Allianz GI said.
4. Thailand
Thailand has the world's fourth weakest pension system. The weaknesses of Thailand's pension system are compounded by an average retirement age of 55 years, compared with 65 years in most western European countries.
Like in China, the ratio of pensioners to the younger population is estimated to be over 40 per cent in by 2050.
5. Japan
Among the Asian countries, Japan ranks fourth -- despite good pension coverage.
Japan is suffering from one of the highest old-age dependency ratios in the world. By 2050, it is expected to increase to an unsustainable level of almost 70 per cent, compared to 42 per cent in China.
Another factor influencing Japan's unfavourable ranking is its high sovereign debt, which leaves no room for subsidizing the pension system should it become necessary.
Japan has the world's fifth weakest pension system."
Monday, November 14, 2011
The VIMHANS Hospital: Neurology and Psychiatry Services, New Delhi.
Department of Psychiatry :
"This department is the flagship being the oldest and in existence for the last 20 yrs. The services offered are :
Outdoor consultation for assesment and treatment of the entire range of psychiatric disorders.
Emergency services are available round the clock for conditions like drug overdose ,acute agitation, violence, suicidal tendency etc.
Transport facilities are made available on request for special situations through outsourced means.
Inpatient ward consist of 12 private rooms and a 28 bedded general ward supported by specially trained nursing staff ,attendants and security personnel.
Day care and Rehabilitation Centre has been designed for facilitating the rehabilitation and reintegration of patients into the community on their way to recovery through partial hospitalisation. The centre organises group and leisure activities like prayer, yoga, candle making ,painting, indoor games, field visits etc."
Faculty and Consultants:
Speciality Clinics and Facilities Include:
- Stress and lifestyle management seminars
- Memory and Neurorehab clinics
- Child and adolescent centre
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorders
For Relevant Queries E-mail us at :
*Rs. 70/- Registration Charges, to be paid on first visit (One Time)
VIMHANS HOSPITAL1 Institutional Area,
Nehru Nagar,New Delhi-110065 Ph.: 29849010-20 Fax :91-11-29849028 Toll Free No. 1800-11-3444
Sorry for the page set-up, you may access the full board at :
The Geriatric Society of India, Summit in Delhi in October 2011.

Geriatric Society of India a NGO, for the past 30 years has been sensitizing the medical as well as paramedical community in this country towards the special medical needs of elderly.
To update the Geriatric caregivers at all levels, the society has organized Local, Regional, National and International Conferences / CME Programmes.
Elders Day on 01st Oct as declared by United Nations , is a befitting day for the Geriatric Society of India, to organize a “Geriatric Summit 2011”.
This “Geriatric Summit 2011”,will be a common platform for the interaction between Indian Doctors (Family physicians, Physicians, Geriatricians, Pathologists and all other clinicians who deal with Elderly patients) Scientists, Nurses and Auxiliary health workers and the common man, to share their views on Geriatric Care.
This conference has an addition of Anti ageing medicine because of the fact that the awareness of anti ageing medicine and interventions is also increasing and so is increasing the availability of such treatments / procedures.
Lectures and demonstrations on such treatment and techniques will be added features of this conference.
Date : OCTOBER 1, 2011 (SATURDAY)
For registration at the Geriatric Summit 2011

Geriatric Society of India a NGO, for the past 30 years has been sensitizing the medical as well as paramedical community in this country towards the special medical needs of elderly.
To update the Geriatric caregivers at all levels, the society has organized Local, Regional, National and International Conferences / CME Programmes.
Elders Day on 01st Oct as declared by United Nations , is a befitting day for the Geriatric Society of India, to organize a “Geriatric Summit 2011”.
This “Geriatric Summit 2011”,will be a common platform for the interaction between Indian Doctors (Family physicians, Physicians, Geriatricians, Pathologists and all other clinicians who deal with Elderly patients) Scientists, Nurses and Auxiliary health workers and the common man, to share their views on Geriatric Care.
This conference has an addition of Anti ageing medicine because of the fact that the awareness of anti ageing medicine and interventions is also increasing and so is increasing the availability of such treatments / procedures.
Lectures and demonstrations on such treatment and techniques will be added features of this conference.
Date : OCTOBER 1, 2011 (SATURDAY)
For registration at the Geriatric Summit 2011
Contact:9810627346 Email:opsharma.gsi@gmail.com
and present following information.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Dementia Care Services, Kerala.
Dept of Psychiatry at Govt Medical College,
Thrissur-680596, Ke rala:
runs a weekly Geriatric Psychiatry Clinic at the Medical College (Fridays:10.00 am to 12 noon) .
We also run a monthly geriatric Psychiatry clinic at the Community Health Center at Vatanappilli (0487-2600760) which cater to four grama panchayaths .
Both these clinics offer specialized dementia care services. We provide guidance and support to caregivers.
Thrissur-680596, Ke
runs a weekly Geriatric Psychiatry Clinic at the Medical College (Fridays:10.00 am to 12 noon) .
We also run a monthly geriatric Psychiatry clinic at the Community Health Center at Vatanappilli (0487-2600760) which cater to four grama panchayaths .
Both these clinics offer specialized dementia care services. We provide guidance and support to caregivers.
Helpage India Elder HelpLine.
Delhi: 1800-180-1253
Bhopal : 1800-233-1253
Bhubaneswar : 1800-345-1253
Chandigarh : 1800-180-1253
Chennai: 1253 within Chennai. From other states dial 044-420103535, 23452365
Hyderabad: 1253
Dehradun: 1800-180-1253
Guwahati : 1800-345-1253
Kolkata: 1800-345-1253
Lucknow : 1800-180-1253
Mumbai : 1800-180-1253 / 1090 (Mumbai Police) / 1298 (NGO Elder Helpline)
Patna : 1800-345-1253
Pondicherry : 1253
Shimla : 1253 within Shimla. From other states dial 0177-2804013.
Srinagar : 1800-180-7008
Friday, November 11, 2011
List of the Geriatric clinics in India.
List of Geriatric clinics in India available at :
or available in PdF format on request.
Rockland Hospital plans geriatric care centre. New Delhi, India, 2010.
"Rockland Hospital plans geriatric care centre in Manesar branch".
By Shruti Verma Apr 04 2010 , New Delhi
"Rockland Hospital, in association with IFC, a member of the World Bank group, is setting up a 60-room ancillary hub for geriatric care at its upcoming 250-bedded multi-specialty hospital in Manesar, Haryana.
The specialised centre will be operational by July 2011. The hospital management has claimed that it is the first of its kind geriatric department in the country. It will have an assisted living programme for patients. It will have integrated international designs to match 60 specially designed geriatric care units. This hub will also have rehabilitation services, a gymnasium and swimming pool.
While there are advanced geriatric care units in Europe and the US, most hospitals in India lack such specialised centres. The multi-speciality hospital will have all OPD and emergency services. The hospital will focus on research and niche specialties like cancer and haematology. It would also have minimal invasive surgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery, cardiology and orthopaedics among other specialties."
Read full article at:
The specialised centre will be operational by July 2011. The hospital management has claimed that it is the first of its kind geriatric department in the country. It will have an assisted living programme for patients. It will have integrated international designs to match 60 specially designed geriatric care units. This hub will also have rehabilitation services, a gymnasium and swimming pool.
While there are advanced geriatric care units in Europe and the US, most hospitals in India lack such specialised centres. The multi-speciality hospital will have all OPD and emergency services. The hospital will focus on research and niche specialties like cancer and haematology. It would also have minimal invasive surgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery, cardiology and orthopaedics among other specialties."
Read full article at:
Online caregiver communities in India : supporting each other.
"I used to feel lonely as a caregiver till I discovered that there are enough of us, and that there are communities–and even more important: we caregivers can form our own communities.
Unfortunately though, caregivers don’t get together often enough, because caregiving is often hidden behind the scenes, even for serious and long-drawn illnesses.
In India, where looking after family members (whether a child or a spouse or a parent) is part of the expected duty, family members typically do not share their problems with “outsiders”, scared that they will be seen as unloving or as persons shirking their duty if they let even a bit of fatigue show.
I think silence about caregiving actually worsens the quality of the care we can give our loved ones, because information, tips, and ideas do not get pooled, and care given by a family is restricted to what they can figure out by themselves (possibly in their overwhelmed state). In effect every family is forced to reinvent the wheel.
Contrast this to roles that are talked about openly– like “normal” child-rearing (not bringing up children with special needs, which remains in the shadows). For normal child-rearing, experience pools are easily available and can be accessed without shame.
We need communities and sharing for caregivers, too. Communities where we are able to talk about situations, and hear from others whether they’ve faced similar situations, what could have caused it, what worked, what didn’t work.
Of course, given that caregivers remain invisible, it becomes even more challenging to collect enough caregivers to form a community, and then make members speak up and share

In the “Western” countries as we call them, support groups are relatively common. Caregiving is openly acknowledged as a role, and society accepts that caregivers need support. Such support is partly given by support groups that meet periodically to discuss topics and situations of mutual interest, get expert opinions, and relevant training.
In India, people assume that a “joint family system” provides all necessary support, and feel that outside help is not needed. Some even assume that if a caregiver needs help from outside the family, it indicates the decline of the joint family system, of culture, and all that. The mechanism of supporting caregivers is associated in part with a sense of inadequacy and “bad family” and shame for society as such; if our families were “good”, we would not need support from “outsiders”.
But taking care of a patient using unproven “instinct” is not the same as being an “informed” caregiver who understands the situation and challenges and uses suitable mechanisms and skills to help the patient.
Caregiver communities collectively enable caregivers to become better and more informed caregivers."
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