Alzheimer's Disease in India Consultancy Service

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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

"Helping professionals appreciate the realities of dementia home care" by Swapna Kishore, India.

"I began putting together a note on the context of dementia home care in India. It took some pruning and prioritizing to and redrafting to create a short, compact version. I uploaded this note on at Dementia Home Care: Context and Challenges in India.
Initially I saw the note as something that volunteers and professionals may find useful to help home caregivers through relevant and practical advice. But later I realized that the note can also help caregivers. It could be used to get an idea of their role and how tough it may be. It could also help them understand what advisers may be assuming and know what they need to clarify/ explain in order to get pertinent advice."...

Video : Dementia in 101 Seconds (english version)

The World Alzheimer Report 2014

The World Alzheimer Report 2014 Dementia and Risk Reduction: An analysis of protective and modifiable factors. 

available from 17th September onward:

Infographic: "Living with the repetitive symptoms of dementia"

"visual infographic that captures the nature of repetitive symptoms and their impact on the lives of people living with dementia".

Master Class 1: I've Just Been Diagnosed with Dementia. What's Next?

'A caregiver perspective on issues and challenges' by Swapna Kishore, India.

Presentation by Swapna Kishore of Dementia Care Note :  'A caregiver perspective on issues and challenges', September 6th at GERON 2014 (10th Annual National Conference of the Indian Association for Geriatric Mental Health), Kolkata :